
Thursday 6 January 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Reading Resolutions

Q: Any New Year’s reading resolutions? 

A: Only one, I think: To resume keeping a list of the books I read and listen to. (I listen a lot to audio books because of having some problems with my neck, and also with my eyes.) I actually made that resolution in connection with last weeks BTT-question. Since different people might be reading this week - and moreover, since I've moved over to a brand new blog since then! - I'll repeat myself:

For years I used to keep a reading list on my old desktop computer, but after that computer crashed back in November 2009, I slipped out of the habit. But a New Year is always a good time to start over with such projects, so I'll try to better myself this year.

If you followed the link from Booking Through Thursday to get here, but also used to follow my previous blog The Island of the Voices, please note the change of blog name and blog address:

Beyond the Lone Islands -

Happy New Reading Year!
Monica (a.k.a DawnTreader)


  1. I think you already read my resolutions. I actually don't have any, I wonder if that's a bad thing?

  2. Here's mine

  3. Hey thanks for your comment on my blog! Might I suggest signing up for to keep track of your book lists? You can have as many lists as you want (to-read, currently reading, read, etc.) and it's free! It's a great way to keep track of your progress. Happy New Year!

    D Dubs

  4. i don't have any resoulitons either, but I will be reading my 2 or 3 books per week as always. i like Kileau Poetry's one resolution. "just do it


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