
Wednesday 9 February 2011

ABC Wednesday–D for Duck


Ducks taking delight in the sun after the depressingly dismal and dreary weather of yesterday (rain, snow and slush)…


The word duck comes from Old English *dūce "diver", a derivative of the verb *dūcan "to duck, bend down low as if to get under something, or dive". Some people use "duck" specifically for adult females and "drake" for adult males. The Mallard or Wild Duck is the ancestor of all domestic ducks and can interbreed with other species of the same genus. (Wikipedia)

… (dot-dot-dot) …

For more D’s go to ABC Wednesday


  1. Oh, I love the ducks! They are so beautiful and they're one of the reasons I really enjoy going down to the Sound to watch them and we do have lots of them come spring! Lovely post for the D Day! Hope you're enjoying a great week!

    ABC Team

  2. Lovely pictures!! Loved the first one the best!! What a lovely blue!!

  3. Great shots of the mallards! I love it that they are still around this time of year.

  4. they are gorgeous walking around in the sun, glad to see a little sunshine in your part of our world. love the dot dot dot..... to funny

  5. Swedish ducks are as dopey as the ones we have in Canada. A lot of them don't fly south for the winter. Nice photos.

  6. Aaah, a pair .....especially for St Valentines day perhaps?
    Jane x

  7. I love that duck sitting on the step contemplating the water!!! AND I didn't know the name origin, you know I love that kind of thing!

  8. Thanks for the interesting information. I like your pictures too. the duck in the sun is perfect after the cold harsh weather.

  9. These are beautiful ducks. The coposition of your photos are outstanding.

  10. That was a ducky post I didn't need to duck.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  11. I love your D for Ducks and your explanation on the differences too. Come on over and check out my letter D over at my Art Blog. Thanks.

  12. Ducks are so cute. And yes I could say they are a good diver with just their head on the water, so cute!

  13. I never cease to be amazed by how much I don't know.


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