
Sunday 6 March 2011

Straight Out Of The Camera–What?


Another piece from the 1960’s/70’s Swedish Design exhibit. I couldn’t see any sign attached to this one so I have no idea for what exact purpose it was made, or by whom. I’d have loved to see a demonstration of it. My impression is that it must have been built for someone with much longer legs than mine! But still?

In the background the orange Permobil electric wheelchair from 1969 which I presented in my Friday Weekend Reflection post.

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More Straight Out of the Camera Sunday at


  1. my husband says it is a racing bike, he remembers them.

  2. Looks like a recumbent exercise bike. I was going to say racing bike like Sandra, but I don't see a way to steer it.

  3. Thanks Jan... I never came across this kind of bike before and didn't even know the word 'recumbent'. Now I could google it and got lots of results, including a Wikipedia article. It seems Sandra is right as well because apparently a recumbent not only holds the world speed record for a bicycle but they were banned from international racing in 1934. (Maybe there are special races for them?) I think the handle is below the seat. I still have difficulties quite imagining how it would feel riding one... just getting started, for one thing?!

  4. I just showed this to Phil and we have been puzzling over it. My, the length of that chain! And it looks like it has a curb guider. Phil says that curved metal thing would be the handle...oh, I've just read your comment above. Well, it looks like you sit up in that seat, so how could your feet reach the pedals, or is that an illusion because of the angle of the picture? I guess you would have to be on flat ground, because how would you stop, and how would you steer?

  5. Ginny you express my own questions...

  6. It is a recumbent bicycle. A friend had a modern version and I've seen them in the UK. They strike me as being dangerous because they are so low and hard to see. I have ridden one and it's not easy until you get the hang of it. The steering handlebars are under the body just in front of the seat. The position is very energy-efficient and it's very easy once you get the hang of it. I have to admit though that as well as feeling vulnerable I also felt quite silly when I rode one.

  7. Thanks Graham for sharing that experience. I can imagine feeling vulnerable on it, yes - and silly too! ;)


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