
Thursday 21 April 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Cover

Today Deb asks: CAN you judge a book by its cover?

Short question, and my answer will be short as well. It depends on what you mean... It does happen that I pick up a book in a shop or at the library because the cover caught my attention. So the cover is not unimportant. However, the final judgement of any book will of course have to wait until I see if the contents meet my expectations. An interesting cover does not make up for a boring book!


  1. sometimes after i read a book i sent and stare at the cover and wonder what and why they used it, since it has nothing at all to do with the story. i have picked up books to read because they had a dog on the cover. some good some not. i go by the authors name and the blurb that tells what it is about,

  2. Great point! I love these questions. Really make you see other points of view.

  3. I agree, the cover catches your eye but it takes more than a cover to make you want to read the book.

  4. This has been a most intriguing issue...I do enjoy these conversations.

    Here's MY BTT POST

  5. I agree, a cover attracts you, but it you cannot judge the content by it. My BTT:

  6. I agree, it's the content that matters.

    Stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  7. Most of the time we cannot judge a book by it's cover at all. No more them we can judge a person by the way they look. But they are such fun to look at! Sometimes I even get attracted by the edge and will pull one out to look at it. Maybe they will all be gone with the wind because of the kindles and e-readers.

  8. I go by summary rather than cover because usually what you see is so not what you get.

  9. Very true! Likewise a boring cover does not mean the book is boring. However, I continue to judge most books y their covers. :)


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