
Sunday 17 April 2011

Spring Flowers in the Park


This week they started planting spring flowers in the town park. These are all pansies in different colours along the water.

Except for Thursday afternoon when I took this, it’s been a greyish kind of week and I haven’t been out with the camera much.

So this photo is for both Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday
Weekend Reflections.


  1. this photo is amazing, Monica. I have been sitting and staring at it trying to decide which part i like the best, the middle with the bridge is stunning, the reflections are amazing, the trees against the sky spectacular, can you tell i love the photo. it is truly a super shot... you stood in just the right spot, so I am clapping for the photogrpaher.

  2. Very beautiful! You must be much warmer there than we are here. :)

  3. I like the flowers, but even better, the reflections!! You even got that little pavilion and the people walking by it!!

  4. Wow - what a fantastic shot. Those flowers and reflection are superb!

  5. I've woken to this this morning and it lifts my heart and gives me hope that I shall be returning to a warm and sunny European spring.

  6. The reflection in this shot is gorgeous!


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