
Tuesday 31 May 2011

ABC Wednesday: T for Tea

2010-11-26 Shop

I’m a tea-lover. I never learned to like coffee; I always drink tea.


Did you know that…

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water.

The earliest records of usage of tea as a beverage go back to the 10th century BC in China.

There are four main types of tea: white, green, oolong, and black,
which all come from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis. The classification is based on how the tea is produced and processed.

In East Asian culture, the term "red tea" has always been used to represent what the West understands as "black tea". This can be confusing in the English speaking world because “red tea” is now also used for the drink made with the South African rooibos plant (which has nothing to do with the Camellia Sinensis plant).

An average serving of coffee contains 145 mg of caffeine, the same serving size of black tea provides 50-60 mg, and green tea 25 mg.

Both green and black tea infusions contain antioxidants.

Tea is good for the heart, and for the blood pressure.

Tea also helps regulate cholesterol and blood-glucose, is good in several ways for the intestinal system, boosts the immune system, has some anti-cancer properties, and helps fight cavities.

Recently a study also showed that people who consumed tea had significantly less cognitive decline than non-tea drinkers.

(Facts picked from various websites including Wikipedia)


  1. A fun and informative post. I'm a tea drinker, too. My book blog is even called Loves Books and Tea.

  2. very interesting info and I am a coffee drinker and rarely drink hot tea and only iced tea when eating out. i was raised on what we call sweet tea, which is tea full of sugar and on ice. delicious but not healthy for us. also i noticed your photos show that tea comes in really pretty tins, unlike my coffee. i had no idea how much caffeine is in a cup. my problem is i don't like hot tea, only cold. and I love cofeee

  3. Tea is my favorite drink, hot in winter, iced in summer. I never aquired a taste for coffee.

  4. I've never really been a coffee drinker either, but I do love tea -- hot and cold! Really fun post and so much great information! I love it! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

    ABC Team

  5. I actually had to look up oolong tea. That's the only one i never tasted.

  6. On a hot summer's day I like a glass of iced/sweet tea too! Otherwise I usually drink it hot and unsweetened, or occasionally with a little honey. In the evening I prefer green tea because of the lower content of caffeine.

  7. Mersad, I'm not too familiar with Oolong either. I have had it, but not recently.

  8. I love tea. Now I'm glad to know why (aside from the taste and aroma).

  9. I am ashamed to say that I spent the first 27 years of my life in a nation of tea drinkers (Great Britain), and I do not like tea!!
    Jane x

  10. me too. hate coffee, like tea.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  11. I like both tea and coffee - not necessarily at the same time, though! Good post!

  12. I too, am a tea drinker, and very seldom drink a cup of coffee. I loved all the little facts about the tea. Interesting T post today.

  13. I love tea, too. Did you know if you put milk in your tea, it takes away all the good effects? Is this a nearby tea shop? I see someone reflected in that teapot....Is the little tea stash on the shelf yours? What is your favorite kind of tea, do you ever drink herb? I have a whole post coming up about our tea shop!

  14. I better begin to drink tea, if its going to prevent cognitive decline. Maybe it's too late. I don't drink tea but I've had to learn the ritual of making Turkish çay in the double teapot. You wouldn't want to be gasping for a glass. İt takes at least 20 minutes to brew properly.

  15. I love tea and I always prefer the old plain Lipton brand.

  16. Ginny - I have read some various opinions about milk in tea. Not that it would take away ALL the good effects, but some. I never take milk in my tea, I'm lactose intolerant anyway. I keep some powdered milk at home for guests who "must have" milk with their tea or coffee.

    Hocam - I've never tried tea the Turkish way.

    Jama - plain Lipton is not my favourite, probably because I've too often been served old tea bags with luke warm water...

  17. Love the shot of all those golden tea canisters.

  18. The habits associated with tea fascinate me. For example I drink green tea with lemon when I get up in the morning; Lady Grey or Earl Grey with breakfast; and Rooibos with lunch. I rarely drink tea at other times but if I do it tends to be Lapsang Souchong. I drink all tea black and weak.

    And you?

  19. GB I'm curious as well, when you say green tea with lemon, do you mean lemon flavoured or with an actual slice of fresh lemon?

    I think maybe I'll do a second post on my own tea preferences ;) Basically I drink black or green tea in the morning (at breakfast), black tea after lunch and in the afternoon, green tea or rooibos in the evening.


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