
Thursday 12 May 2011

How Much For A Link?!


As some of you may remember, besides this blog and my Picture Book, I also keep one devoted to the Harry Potter books. (See link in the sidebar.) Updates have been rather infrequent (as I knew from the beginning that they would be). Just recently I’ve been making a bit of a renewed effort inspired by ABC Wednesday; but other than that, I haven’t done much to promote it. This post is not an effort to do so either; I’m only giving you some background for the point (or story) I will eventually be getting to... Hang on!

I started the HP blog just to have a place to collect my thoughts on a special topic, rather than mixing too much of that into this one. In the sidebar there I have also added a collection of links I found useful in the context of my own HP ‘research’ (most of which goes back to 2005-2007). One of the things I have enjoyed looking into is J.K. Rowling’s very purposeful use of names, and their meanings and history. So among my links are a some that go to websites where you can look up that sort of thing. However, I have not made a point of collecting lots of links; I have only included some that I myself found especially useful.

Last week I got an email ‘out of the blue’ from someone who had come across my blog and liked it. (Which was of course in itself flattering.) She had also noted the links in my sidebar, and said that she had created a baby name site of her own, and she wished me to include a link to her site as well.

Suddenly I found myself in need of a policy! After thinking a bit, I sent an answer saying that so far I have only included links that I have actually made use of; in this very limited context. So for now I had added her site to my private bookmarks, and if I found it useful in connection with future posts, I would link to it then.

To my astonishment I then got another email, more or less begging me to include her link. So I had another look at it, comparing it to the site I’ve used most. I found hers not really able to compete. I also noted some ads flashing by which were not to my liking… So I turned her down again, but was at the same time half amused by her eagerness, so I asked if she had actually paid attention to my number of followers (=8).

When I got another email today, my eyebrows collided with my fringe…! Quote: “Listen, we’re not above bribery here. Would you consider putting our link up there and we could paypal your $20 or so for your trouble?” [!!!]

I’m not asking for advice. I already answered I don’t do things that way and it’s no use asking again. I’m still puzzled though. If I had had hundreds of devoted Potter-fans following my blog, then I would have understood the motive. But since that’s not the case… ???

So I’m curious: Has anyone else among my handful of devoted readers ever been offered cash to put up a link on your blog?! Is this a unique request, or is there perhaps a going rate for this sort of thing??? (Not that I’m considering starting to charge you for the links that are already there, mind…)


  1. I do know from my son and his great nephew that they are creating their own websites to make money, google pays them for each time someone clicks on the links and ads on their site, like 2 cents per click, and they THINK they will get a check each month. maybe it is something like that. i don't do ads on my blogs and don't click on ads on others blogs and don't like the adsense either. i am thinking you made a good decision. LOVE the chain photo

  2. I always just delete this type of email, not bothering to interact with them, seems to be the safest thing. I think you've gone over and beyond what is necessary. These are scary people!

  3. Yes since that web site had ads on it I'm sure they do get some money with every click. What puzzles me is why they'd think a link from a blog with almost no followers and very sporadic posting would be worth a $20 investment...!

  4. Jan, the first one was not obvious spam or indicating commercial gain so that's why I bothered to reply.

    Now I have included a links policy on the blog itself so next time I won't have to "think twice" ;)

  5. This is one of the strangest blog stories I have heard. I'm sure she would get some money from this, but hardly enough to make it worth her while, especially with your 8 followers. Maybe she was obsessed with setting some kind of goal or something. Also it could have been some kind of dare or a bet she made with someone.

  6. Oh, I get it, LINKS!! It took me a few minutes to put the picture and your story together!! I have had a bad cold for quite awhile, I guess things take longer to get through my stuffed up head! Well done!

  7. Ginny - I'm glad someone "got it" :D

  8. This post was temporarily removed by Blogger when they had their "crash" yesterday, whatever that was all about... Now the post is back but the comments seem to have been lost. This is my own attempt to restore comments copied from the email notifications I still had saved on my computer:

    Sandra : I do know from my son and his great nephew that they are creating their own websites to make money, google pays them for each time someone clicks on the links and ads on their site, like 2 cents per click, and they THINK they will get a check each month. maybe it is something like that. i don't do ads on my blogs and don't click on ads on others blogs and don't like the adsense either. i am thinking you made a good decision. LOVE the chain photo
    Posted by Sandra May 12, 2011 5:26 PM

    DawnTreader : Yes since that web site had ads on it I'm sure they do get some money with every click. What puzzles me is why they'd think a link from a blog with almost no followers and very sporadic posting would be worth a $20 investment...!
    Posted by DawnTreader May 12, 2011 5:48 PM

    Jan : I always just delete this type of email, not bothering to interact with them, seems to be the safest thing. I think you've gone over and beyond what is necessary. These are scary people!
    Posted by Jan May 12, 2011 5:48 PM

    DawnTreader : Jan, the first one was not obvious spam or indicating commercial gain so that's why I bothered to reply. Now I have included a links policy on the blog itself so next time I won't have to "think twice" ;)
    Posted by DawnTreader May 12, 2011 7:45 PM

    Ginny : This is one of the strangest blog stories I have heard. I'm sure she would get some money from this, but hardly enough to make it worth her while, especially with your 8 followers. Maybe she was obsessed with setting some kind of goal or something. Also it could have been some kind of dare or a bet she made with someone.
    Posted by Ginny May 12, 2011 7:47 PM

    Ginny : Oh, I get it, LINKS!! It took me a few minutes to put the picture and your story together!! I have had a bad cold for quite awhile, I guess things take longer to get through my stuffed up head! Well done!
    Posted by Ginny May 12, 2011 7:49 PM

    DawnTreader : Ginny - I'm glad someone "got it" :D
    Posted by DawnTreader May 12, 2011 8:42 PM

  9. I have had requests for links but have always ignored them or turned them down. I think money has been mentioned occasionally but it never struck me that anyone would really pay.

    Ha. I never thought of that way of getting blog comments back. I did have one or two that actually arrived as emails but as I couldn't actually send any comments and didn't lose a post I'd forgotten about that. It was the unusual absence of any emails that first alerted me to the commenting problem

  10. It's only with this post I bothered, since the commenting here had developed into a sort of dialogue. There were one or two comments lost on the next post as well but I know I answered at least one of those privately, so never mind.


Communication is what makes blogging fun :)
... but all spam or suspected spam will be deleted.