
Monday 8 August 2011

Autumn Starts Here (… or?)


Today felt like the first day of Autumn, because:

1. My alarm clock was on in the morning.
2. I needed a jacket and an umbrella.
3. The air smelled of rain and – autumn.
4. I went back to my regular training in the Rehab pool, which opened again today after 5 weeks ‘summer holidays’ break.
5. When I got back home I found that my usual daytime TV ‘soap’ (British Emmerdale) was also back on after a summer break.

In other words: Back to Weekly Routines!

Not sure I feel like I’ve really had a Summer Holiday, though.

On the other hand, I have to remind myself it’s not quite like I’m going back to Work, either. Aside from the limitations that are the reason why I’m in early retirement… I still have a lot of freedom.

The picture above is of a piece of artwork on the wall in one of the hospital corridors I walk through to get to the rehab center.



  1. I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to summer yet. :)

  2. EG... and yet your avatar is an autumn leaf! ;) I agree though - I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to summer yet either. I hope there will be more warm and sunny days before autumn sets in 'for real'... There was just that hint of it in the air today!

  3. I'm glad you told us what this is and where it is! I've not seen anything quite like it! And your post from Monday with the butterfly and flower, gorgeous!!

  4. I like that hospitals now seem to be lightening up their decor with artworks because it makes them much more cheery places when so often all that goes on in them is not so cheery. Cheeryness helps recovery.

    I don't like that our summer seems like autumn!

  5. Our hospital has quite a lot of artworks hanging/standing around in the corridors. With some maybe the cheery effect can be questioned but I think they've been getting better at that. :)

  6. No sign of autumn here, it was 100 yesterday and then thundershowers.

  7. No sign of autumn here, it was 100 yesterday and then thundershowers.

  8. i like that picture on the wall, thought it was in your flat. it is cheery and bright, a great decoration for a hospital

  9. When I recall the dreary hospital corridors of my youth it's delightful to see such bright and cheery pictures.


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