
Sunday 28 August 2011

Raindrops Keep Falling



For Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday

and Weekend Reflections

(… and somewhat inspired by Scriptor Senex’s Abstracts …)

This weekend it’s been raining so much that all the previous summer seems almost dry in comparison! (Although it wasn’t.)

Yesterday I had half intended to go out in the morning, but luckily made the decision to start the day by baking a cake instead. Shortly after I had got the cake out of the oven and had just turned on the computer to see how the Blog World was getting on… The sky grew pitch dark, grumbling noises started, and soon the skies opened as if to remind us of the days of Noah. So I turned off the computer again. The thunderstorm lasted for hours. Fortunately though it had passed on and the rain lighted for while in the afternoon, when two friends of mine were coming over for a bit of an early birthday celebration. So they were able to get here without getting soaked on the way.


Sometimes it’s very good to have friends who invite themselves rather to wait to be invited! I’ve had so many other things buzzing in my head lately that I just kept putting off the decision what to “do” (if anything) with my birthday; which is really on Monday, and a rather insignificant one (56); and a little weird, because if my dad had lived, it would have been his 80th… (Back in June, before he died, I had just started wondering how to deal with that upcoming celebration.)

Now some of you might be feeling a little confused; while others may already have drawn the correct conclusion, namely that I was born on my father’s 24th birthday.

So for the first time in my life I now have my birthday “all to myself”; but still not quite in celebration mood.


Therefore: Thankful for the two close friends who invited themselves, with a day’s notice. On my breakfast table tomorrow I’ll have their flowers to look at - and also a parcel to open, thanks to another friend who sent it in the post. After that I’ll most likely be off to the rehab pool as usual on a Monday morning. And that’s not a bad start at all to a New Year!


  1. Raindrops outside and warm cake inside - that sounds like a nice combination.
    Happy birthday, despite the somewhat negative connotations.

    PS And it is also my wife's birthday ...

  2. Happy birthday in advance. The weather here is as bad as yours. We have rain and thunder yesterday and now again. WE haven;t had nice weather for weeks I believe.
    Have a great birthday!

  3. Happy One day early birthday, Monica. I love that droplet shot, it is really specail. a great thing for friends to do, especially since tomorrow will be your first birthday alone with out your dad. the cake looks good, can't wait to see what the present is. almost like getting one myself. my brothers birthday was last week, mine is sept 5th and mh hubby, sister in law and daughter in law are all the 1st of Oct.

  4. Happy birthday! I am though, sorry that your father is not there to celebrate your and his birthday.I see that you have the same kind of weather we have: rain and thunderstorms. I wish you in spite of the bad weather now, a sunny tomorrow!

  5. Happy Birthday, and they're all important, I hope you do something memorable.

  6. Happy Birthday. I love your teardrop photos.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Monica!!!! But I know this will be a sad one for you, I'm so sorry about that... What are those lovely blue drops?? Something in your apartment, I think. We have been having a hurricane here, luckily our area didn't get much, just some rain.

  8. Happy birthday Monica... Those drops are an awesome subject of reflection : well done !

  9. Your reflection shot is so clever.

  10. Happy Birthday - I remember the first Mother's Day after my mother died being the most difficult. Love the reflection.

    We are finally getting some sunshine, but not everyone in our town has power.

  11. Happy birthday! The tear drops are beautiful...apt for the weather this week!

    Gems x


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