
Friday 2 September 2011

Weekend Reflection: Upstairs Downstairs


For Weekend Reflections




CIMG3083-1   CIMG3085-1


Can you figure out the connection between these pictures?

It may be easier if you first have a look at the post Friday My Town – Human Labor in my Picture Book blog.

The Lady in Green is our Queen Silvia, and the man in the sunglasses is her husband King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

They were visiting my town yesterday (Thursday). The first two, and the last three photos in this post were taken by me on that occasion. Knowing that the Queen was dressed in green, you should be able to also spot her in the second photo – including her reflection ‘downstairs’ in the water…

The two middle pictures are from the 1970’s British TV series Upstairs Downstairs, which I recently bought on a DVD-box sale, and have started re-watching. Seeing our king and queen ‘live’ yesterday… and looking through my photos afterwards… I just couldn’t help the reflection that I can see a certain resemblance between them and Lord and Lady Bellamy of the drama series!


  1. the reflections are perfect, almost like a mirror reflection and in the first shot, i like the hand holding the flag in the lower left corner. really great shots.

  2. I can't really figure the relation between those picture, because this drama show is not that famous in France, but your first reflection picture is terrific... The mirror of the water and the light are perfect on that picture.

  3. 'Tsuki, maybe in French history you'd have to go back to before the Revolution to quite "get it" ;) ...

  4. I have never watched that show, though it did show on T.V. here for a long time and is so critically acclaimed. I do love all those British comedies, especially "Keeping Up Appearances". I love your reflections of the buildings! How funny about the resemblance, you are right! Lord and Lady Bellamy do look like they are suffering from a bit of gas, though! And I think your Queen is so much prettier than the other lady!

  5. I don't watch TV, but I do love your reflections for the day! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!


  6. there is a resemblance!

    the reflection of all the men in dark suits is so wonderful

  7. Great reflections! I've watched upstairs Downstairs but I've never seen a king or queen in person before. Very cool!

  8. It only took one look when you can recognise royalty when you see it and remember the Tv series as well.

    Great with the reflections

  9. Great reflections.

    I remember the Upstairs/Downstairs show. I loved it. Not much good on TV anymore I think.


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