
Saturday 8 October 2011

Weekend Reflection: Much Ado About Nothing


Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~ Matthew 6:34

Just for the record - my Yahoo Mail app on the phone is back “on” again this morning! Another lesson learned (over again). If I had just taken “Try Again Later” as “Try Again Tomorrow” I could have spared myself a lot of needless frustration!

Big thanks to the fellow bloggers who responded to my sighs, though. It’s always good to get reassurance that there is someone out there in the world wide web who is listening… ;)

My photo for Weekend Reflections was taken 1½ weeks ago at a cemetery which is also like a huge nature park. It was one of those still days that week when the fog lifted late in the day to let the sun through at last…


  1. I listened but hadn't a clue what you were talking about. My phone is so old I feed it coal.
    A beautiful image. I love reflections.

  2. Adrian, I don't blame you. Didn't even know what I was talking about myself. But you have a computer. And a van. I'm sure you get the general idea of an "aargh"... ;)

  3. beautiful photo and one of my most favorite scriptures. glad you got lots of friend support and that your App is back.

  4. It's very beautiful. I'm so glad your app is back!

  5. Thanks, my ever-supporting friends ;)

  6. It looks so very peaceful.

  7. This is so beautiful and I love the way the water is framed by the trees!


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