
Monday 14 November 2011

An Award


Pauline of The Paddock (NZ) recently passed on this blog award to me. ‘Liebster Blog’ is German, meaning ‘Favourite Blog’. Thanks Pauline for thinking of me.

The rules say “This award is given to blogs with fewer than 200 followers, with ‘good content’ that warrant more support.”

Those of my readers who have been with me since my first blog might remember my struggle with some previous awards. For example, when I received my first, which I was supposed to pass on to five others, I did not even have that number of followers yet!

My own ground-rule ever since is that awards should not come with obligations. If you give someone an award it is because you think they already deserve it. Blog awards also often tend to go round and round among the same circle of friends, so can become a bit of a bother that way. (Especially if they come with rules like answer 30 personal questions before you pass the whole package on to 20 other people.)

However - it’s been a while since I last received any, and I think that for this one I can find five candidates whom I have not been ‘bothering’ with similar ones before. There are no questions involved, and whether the recipients choose to pass it on or not I leave entirely up to them.

So here are five blogs from around the world that I find worth a visit now and then for their beautiful photography, nice layouts, and interesting insights into different kinds of landscapes and cultures:

Life Accomplished – Daily Delights (Lauri - USA)

Mersad Donko Photography (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Moorlands and Peak (Blogeomah - UK)

One Time One Meeting (SnowWhite - Japan)

Sweet Memories (Jama – Singapore)

Keep up the good work! :) And if you like… copy the award onto your own blog, and pass it on to (5) others who you find worthy.


Here’s a summary of the rules:

Liebster Blog Award
1. Copy and post the award on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Pass it on to (5) others (with less than ~200 followers).
4. Keep blogging, commenting, enjoying! :)


  1. Just visited One Time One Meeting for the first time. Beautiful and well worth bringing to our attention - thank you.

  2. i will check out the blogs you mentioned because i like to see other countries and what they look like and how they live.

  3. Thank you for awarding my blog. I hope that people will visit it and like my photos.

  4. Thanks a lot for choosing my blog. It is a great encouragement to me. I’d like to introduce the culture, tradition, history, festivals and more of my country. And I do hope people get to be interested in them.
    Best wishes,

  5. Congratulations on the award!! I agree that we shouldn't have to do things in order to earn them, an award should be free. Your rose hips below look like berries!


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