
Thursday 5 January 2012

♥ ♥ ♥ 3rd Blogoversary Celebration ♥ ♥ ♥


3 years ago, on 5th January, 2009, I created my first blog, The Island of the Voices (the forerunner of this one) and wrote my very first blog post: The Dawn of a New Year and a New Blog.

As blogging became a great boost for my photography interest, later the same year I also started DawnTreader’s Picture Book.

1 year ago, somewhat mysteriously having reached the limits of my free web album*, I started over in a new account and changed the name of my main blog to Beyond the Lone Islands; no longer feeling as lonely and invisible as when I first set sail to venture out into the Unknown. (As most of my regular readers know, my blog titles as well as my signature refer to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis – one of the seven Chronicles of Narnia.)

All-in-all, it’s been an exciting journey, making new friends far across the oceans, and learning a lot along the way!


♥ ♥ ♥ Celebration Giveaway ♥ ♥ ♥

Somehow (don’t ask why) I find myself with three spare photo calendars for 2012. So I’ve decided to do a giveaway (or three!) to celebrate my 3rd Blogoversary.

It’s a wall calendar size 20x30 cm, with one photo for each month. All photos by me. The calendar follows Swedish standard for holidays and name-days. The names of the months and days of the week etc. are in Swedish.

If you want a chance of winning one of the three calendars, just leave a comment on this post some time from now and one week forward (the last day = Thursday 12th January; Central European Time). Only one comment per person will be counted for the lottery.

Some time during the weekend after I will write down the names on separate pieces of paper, put them in a bowl or something, and draw three winners. I’ll let the winners know by email or blog comment, and of course also in a post here.

♥ ♥ ♥  Good Luck  ♥ ♥ ♥

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*About the Picasa web album, I seem to have managed to make better use of my allotted space with the new account. Now in one year I’ve only used 8% (which includes my Picture Book blog as well).

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The photo in this post is from last winter
and is my January picture in the photo calendar.


  1. Happy Anniversary. I wonder whether the Web Album problem has anything to do with the size of the pictures. I have no idea how much of my allocation of Picassa I've used but I'm still on my original allocation. I reduce every photo to a maximum of 800px though.

  2. Congratulations on your three years! Here's wishing you many more.

  3. Happy Blogoversary - I must look up when my blogoversary is.

  4. I had to smile at your first post, I am going to look back at mine. we have both come a long way in our blogging for sure. great photo today and congrats on your blogaversary. i had no internet for 4 hours today and it is doing what yours did, coming and going. not happy. I already have 3 calendars for the year, and since i am not a collector, don't put my name in the pot. great idea.

  5. Hi DawnTreader,
    I was guided to your blog by my friend Sandra. I am Swedish but live and work in Ireland. Happy Blogoversary :-) Lovely photographs.
    Have a great Day!


  6. GB, I do think that photo size was part of my Picasa problem. In the beginning I uploaded photos differently from how I do it now. I also found later that I had double copies of most photos in the old album and when I removed the doubles I freed a lot of space.
    Now I use Windows Live Writer, keep most photos under 800px and avoid including "source" pictures.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I hope to enjoy your blog and glorious photos for many years to come!

  8. Dawntreader...Happy Anniversary! And you said it...your photo's have really come into their own and you have done such a great job with them! I envy you that you have stuck with it over time. Keep up the great work!



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