
Tuesday 28 February 2012

G for Grumpy


Have you noticed the recent Blogger changes? I know GB did, because he blogged about it and was the first to draw my attention to it this morning. It must have changed over night from where I am on the globe!

Using the Pop-up comment forms (with a new look), there is no longer the option to subscribe to further comments on that post. Not everyone wants to do that, of course. I far from always do it myself, but sometimes I do. Especially on a certain blogs where interesting discussions often arise in the comment section. And I would still like to have the option, as well as offer it to others.

Using the Embedded comments form, the option to subscribe is still there. Now, the problem when I’ve tried to change to that alternative here in the past is that then there always seems to be one or two or more people who are mysteriously not able to comment at all. It’s still a complete riddle to me why, especially since the problem does not seem to arise on my latest blog, Greetings from the Past. (With the same readers. And layout based on the same template.) If anyone can offer an explanation I’d be very grateful!

In the meantime, I’m doing one more attempt here to switch to embedded comments. Apologies to Sandra and Ginny and whoever else might be concerned. I don’t want to shut off your possibilities to comment. If it turns out there are still problems, I’ll switch back again. 

Meanwhile, I’d be very grateful if everyone reading this while I have the embedded comments form up, will grant me a favour and put in a reply – and if you fail, please email me instead at  and try to describe what happens. If I get any failure-reports I’ll copy them onto here for others to take part of – hoping there may be someone out there who can help me figure out what’s going on!  Thank you!

As ABC-Wednesday post I’m aware this is not one of my best (I wish it had been C-week instead, because then I could have challenged you with Complaints Concerning Changes in Comments and Communication) but I’m still linking to see if maybe responses from a few more people than the regular followers might help cast some extra light on things. I hope no one will get too grumpy about that!


  1. Hi Dawn, here is my reply. Let's see how it works; I have noticed the changes too, especially the two blurry words we need to type for blogs that have word verification. My blog doesn't! Come on over and say hi.

  2. Oh no, not the dreaded embedded, there are so many problems with it! Well, I don't know what you are talking about with the subscribe to further comments, I am so ignorant of this stuff!!! I did notice that overnight the comment forms had all changed, but are you saying that if you go into bloggers options, that has changed, too? I will have to look. YES, always there are a few followers who say they are unable to comment to me, I think this is the same for every blog, the whole thing is such a mystery!!! Don't worry, I will be e-mailing you if the embedded messes up! Too bad it does this, because it really is a great format to use.

    1. Ginny - Yay! It seems to be working for you here this time!!!

    2. i chose sister ginny to reply to, we will see if she gets notified her sister replied to her comment, so far so good, not problems from your two problem sisters.

  3. I don't know why things keep changing either.
    If it ain't broke, why fix it???
    Hope this will go through.

    1. Photowannabe: You're so right. Sometimes it seems they make changes no one asked for. Thanks for commenting!

  4. I have noticed some of the new changes, and sometimes they make me Grrr..rumpy. Especially that new Word Verification mess of words. Well here goes, I hope this works.

    Thanks for the visit today.

    Gigi Ann ABC Wednesday Team

    1. I agree about the Word Verification. It's now got me convinced I'm a robot! Thanks for commenting.

  5. Blogger is pushing the new interface format but I don't like it. I like the old one because it is simple to navigate and it's more organize.

    Gold and Green
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.

    1. Rose, I agree with you on the new interface. I'm sticking with the old one on my dashboard as long as they let me...

  6. Well, grumpy works for me. WV made me VERY grumpy, and I removed it from ABC Wednesday. If any of you have problems with it, pls let Denise or me know.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. Sometimes I wish Blogger would leave well-enough alone! The word verification WAS a pain and is now even MORE of a pain.

  8. I agree-I really am not fond of the comment changes!

    On behalf of the ABC Weds team, thank you for such an educational and entertaining post!

    ABC Weds Team

  9. You replied to one of the comments with "I'm sticking with the old one on my dashboard as long as they let me...". So am I but I think the operative expression is 'as long as they let me!'

    1. Yes John that's why I added it ;) Not really expecting to be given that option forever! On the other hand. Some day perhaps they'll come up with something that's actually an improvement.

  10. I've been noticing the changes too. Great post and shot of grumpy. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

  11. I noticed the changes, too, and do not like them. I did not choose it so I think we should be allowed to remove the format. That said, I don't use word verification, but what's up with that now??? There are two words, if you can call them that, and I end up having to try at least 3 times to post my comment. This looks okay for me here now. Have a greater week than this grumpy one! lol

    abcw team

  12. I am having problems with my blogger is better to get your own domain.

  13. Thanks to everyone who commented so far. At least yet I have not received any reports about failure to get comments through here! :)

  14. Here's my comment. A little late I'm afraid having not caught up properly since my journey North. Tomorrow I'm off to Tauranga for 5 days so there will be even more catching up to do when I get back. You know my views on the new changes already!

    1. Graham, I always marvel at your capacity for catching up, so I don't doubt you'll somehow manage it again. Have a good trip!

  15. here we go, sandra trying the new embedded. seems to be working now, and i already have many many many Complaints Concerning Changes in Comments and Communication. i have noticed many changes today and tomorrow there will be more on March 1st. we will have to wade throught the problems as they arise when they make changes. maybe the first time they had not finished the new look

    1. Sandra - Yay, so happy to see you! I was fearing you'd still be having trouble with the embedded. Maybe they've actually managed to sort something out "for once", not just complicating things ;)

  16. It seems to be working ok for me, Blogger has been a real pain lately.

    1. Janet, I'm relieved to have got no reports yet of anyone having trouble to comment on this post. You're obviously not alone in your opinion about the recent Blogger changes though!

  17. I'm a little grumpy about the two word like!

  18. I think Grumpy is perfect! I've been Grumpy for a long time trying to comment on some Blogger sites! :-( Hope the tweaks make it a little easier. Thanks for stopping by and leaving one at my place. :-)

  19. Things seem to be working well so far. Thank heavens I haven't had any problem with the changes - so far. Grumpy would be a mild word if I did!

  20. I haven't noticed it because I seldomly blog at my blogspot blog. I hope things will go well on the new changes. Hope you could visit My ABC Wednesday entry. Thanks!


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