
Saturday 14 April 2012

Slow Motion Battle


“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”
~ Margaret Thatcher ~

I haven’t been able to be out and about much this week; I’m still fighting the battle with the viruses that invaded my body earlier this week.  On Thursday, however, there was also a battle going on in the football field I can see from my balcony. And it wasn’t football! It was the Home Guard practicing self defense – I think. Most of the time they seemed to just be hanging around doing nothing though - and when they did take action it was all in slow motion. Just like me…


Spring is also taking things very slowly. But it’s on its way!  The Clematis on my balcony has survived another winter in its pot, and is showing little buds.


  1. The Home Guard will be OK if the opposition fight in slow motion then. Hmmm.

    You Clematis is being quite adventurous given some of the weather in North at the moment - I'm told that it's snowing on Lewis!

    1. We had snow here at Easter and other parts of the country are still having snow, so yes the Clematis is kind of bold. It does get a lot of sun on the day when the sun is out though, growing against a wall facing south.

  2. I like to see new buds and leaves with their promise of new life. What color flowers does your clematis have? Hope you are all better soon.

  3. You do so well with Clematis, and I always enjoy seeing them. In fact, I wish you would post pictures of them more often. I hope you get better really soon, you have been sick for too long now!!!

    1. I only have one plant and it blooms in spring. It always amazes me though because I never really expect it to survive another winter.

  4. Oh, I am sure the Home Guard were training their mental powers when to you it looked as if they were doing nothing :-)
    You know, they may win over any opponent if they play it right mentally...
    Brave Clematis!
    And poor you, I do hope you'll be back on your feet soon.

  5. cool battle and i love the flower photo. glad there was a little action going on to entertain you, you must be having cabin fever by now from staying home so much.

  6. Hope you're feeling better, thanks for stopping by my blog, yes our park is good sized, about 350 acres.

  7. Hope you're feeling better. Ginny's right - it's been too long.

    I'm surprised at how advanced your clematis is. About the same as ours but most of your flowers have been behind us until now. You seem to have caught up.

    1. Not so sure about that, John. This morning we had snow again! The Alpine clematis is rather hardy though (as its name suggests) and it's on a brick wall facing south so I guess the wall manages to store some of the heat from the sun when it does shine.


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