
Tuesday 1 May 2012

1st May – Wood Anemones




Linking to Jan’s First of the Month

1st May is a holiday here because it’s Labour Day.
It’s also a popular day to go on outings and look at spring flowers. However
I didn’t really feel like going into the town centre to watch parades and political speeches. Nor did I have enough energy for a proper outing. So I just went for a short walk. There isn’t really a whole lot of wild nature close by where I live – but there a few patches of it. Like this hill, with one walkpath on either side, between two streets. With the wood anemones spreading like a white carpet under the trees, this short and sweet time of year called spring.


  1. When I first saw these, I thought you had been traipsing around in the woods! They are beautiful and look biggerer than I thought they might be.

  2. Those are lovely wood anemones and a wooded glade, thanks for sharing these scenes.

  3. i love that wooded area and it's a place i would love to visit. welcomes May with a big splash of color.

  4. Beautiful! I love those little white flowers. It looks like a perfect place for a walk.

  5. Wood anemones are one of the most attractive of flowers for their purity and simplicity - like snowdrops.


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