
Thursday 17 May 2012

BTT: Live or Get Lost

Today’s Booking Through Thursday question reads:

If you had to choose to live within a novel, which would it be?

Oh this is the kind of question that ties my brain into knots. It so depends… Who would I be in that world? Would I still be me? Because, you know, if I suddenly dropped into a famous novel, still being me, that would change the story – and who knows how. And if I suddenly found myself not being me, or my identity questioned, I’d probably find that rather frustrating as well. Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole:

Dear, dear! How queer everything is today! And yesterday things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!

The question also reminds me of the British mini series Lost in Austen from 2008 (4 episodes), in which a modern girl switches places with Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  I quite enjoyed that series.

Watch the trailer on YouTube


  1. i am wracking my brain trying to think what book I would want to drop into. maybe Cinderella, that was my all time favorite story when i was growing up and i still love it. glass slipper and all. and of course that handsome prince.
    i can't think of the name of the book I once read, but this post reminded me of the story. a knight in King Arthurs time was on his horse in full armour and he flipped through time into the middle of New York City. the book was hilarious as we viewed modern day city life through his eyes. wish i could remember it and i would read it again.

  2. I just googled and found it. a Knight in shining armour, Jude Deveraux, and that is the book i would like to drop into. now i will get it at the library and read it again. thans

    1. Well, thank YOU for answering your own question ;) I don't think I ever heard of that one. The only title that came to mind for me was Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, which I still haven't read. But I guess that's kind of the opposite to the one you had in mind!

  3. You made a very good point about who would you be if dropped into a novel. I did not think about that. See my answer here
    Happy reading!

    1. One thing to pay a visit if I can also leave when I want, but for some reason I started thinking from the perspective of emigrating forever... Still haven't made up my mind! LOL

  4. Alice all the way for me :)

    1. Yes, one good thing about the Wonderland choice would be that the book ends with Alice waking up again! :)

  5. Lost in Austen was wonderful! I'd like to be dropped into Outlander by Diana Galbadon.

  6. It would be fun to "drop into" a magical world, or even a surreal one...but I'd want to be able to leave, too. lol

    Therefore, I chose places I wouldn't mind staying awhile, in MY THURSDAY MEMES POST

    1. Yes, my thoughts went along that line too. A visit is one thing, if I can choose my moment to leave - but if I couldn't, then it's a whole different matter ;)

  7. I'd love to go to Narnia or space...

  8. Just a little visit for me.

  9. Way too much choice for me to answer that question - and also, it would be crucial to know whether we could leave on our own accord or had to stay there forever, and whether we'd still be ourselves or turn into a character from the novel.

  10. This is an easy question for me. God made me to be who I am, and I wouldn't change it.

  11. I just thought it would be me, and I would be a participant. Here's my BTT

  12. I think that would be a lot of 'switch places' with a book character. But which one I'd choose would take a lot of thinking and deciphering the pros and cons before I'd pick just one. Good question, and I think I'd be the character instead of being me. Just to be able to fill the shoes of the book's main 'star'. Excellent post!!!!

  13. Oh no, I didn't mean to get your head spinning! I'd quite like to get lost in either Alice or Austen's worlds. Here's my answer:

  14. This is the sort of question I find impossible to answer because there are too many possibilities. So much also depends on my mood of the moment. Instead of just coming up with an answer as one would in an exam (who really cares what the true answer is anyway) I always want to reflect my true feeling for the answer which is rarely possible.

    1. I agree. As you might have noticed, I didn't really answer the question either... ;)


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