
Friday 1 June 2012

And the Moral of the Story Is …

In yesterday’s post - answering the question what kind of book I would write if I could – I said that although I always loved to write, I never really felt I had a Great Story lurking, just waiting to be told.

This morning I woke up reminded of something that might contradict that statement: On several occasions lately, I’ve woken up in the morning with the feeling of having dreamt “a complete story” rather than the usual odd fragments shifting shape and focus from one part of the dream to the other.

The annoying part is that I’m never quite able to recall the details! It’s just that feeling… of the dream having had a starting point, and a proper (hm!) plot, and reaching The End before I wake up. But the memories of it dissolve when hit by daylight!

This morning I stayed in bed for a while, trying to recall the dream. But of course the notepad and pencil that should be beside my bed weren’t there, and I had to get up to get them, and before I’d found them, most of the dream was gone. All that I was able to jot down was one sentence, summing up the “moral” of the story:

“Sometimes the person who we think is placing obstacles in our way, is really the one who is trying to clear the way.”

Then I put the notepad aside and completely forgot all about it during the rest of the day - until just now when I happened to find the pad again, and saw the words I had written on it.

As for the rest, I only vaguely seem to recall a house full of people, and flowerpots being moved around and turning up where they shouldn’t be – and that the person responsible was not the one everyone suspected.

If you happen to be a Great Novelist, please feel free to steal the plot. I doubt I’ll be able to do much with it…



  1. Haha! I used to always keep a pen and paper by my bed and I would wake up convinced there was a brilliant story lurking in my dream, only to discover that although it had made wonderful sense in the dream, the plot lacked a certain something - like, it just assumed a person would change into another person halfway through, without anyone thinking it was odd...

    having said that though sometimes I have dreamed a vivid scene or had an idea, and then that can set me off with a plot that has been looking for a home.

    I've had a couple of short stories published but never a full length book. It might work for that though.


    1. Huh? Never a full lenght book? What about the one about Lewis Carrol? Doesn't that count because it is non-fiction?

    2. "Although it had made wonderful sense in the dream, the plot lacked a certain something" - you sum it up well, Jenny! ;) And by the way, thanks to Librarian's reminder, I've just ordered your book...

  2. You have made your terrace so lovely and cozy! Yes, we have to write this stuff down right away, else it is gone! I often dream of great songs and wake up with the melody, but it doesn't last long. I also dream whole stories! Paul McCartney wrote at least one song from a dream he had. Keep that pad and pencil by the bed!

    1. I've written down and tried to analyze quite a few dreams in my day, and sometimes it was helpful. I also turned some dreams into poems. But so far no full story ;)

  3. He he, I can already see the title: The Mystery of The Moving Flower Pots!

    1. I do think it really went a bit beyond just the flower pots... However, after I wrote this post, it gave me a giggle when I suddenly remembered that before going to sleep, I had been watching an episode of a TV series where big flowerpots were indeed being moved around to cover up a secret - but also to kind of protect someone! So much for original ideas, huh!

  4. i love your balcony, what a wonderful place to sit and enjoy good weather. no help from me with a story line, i love to read but have no clue how to write one.

    1. It doesn't quite match your back yard but I'm doing my best... ;)

  5. I can't recall seeing a full picture of your baslcony before - at least, not since I have known you better. What a marvellous achievement considering the difficulties of transporting the compost/soil and popts, etc. It's wonderful. Your sink may face the kitchen cupboards but you have a lovely refuge to come onto after you've washed up!

    1. I think with my old camera I wasn't able to get that wide angle view; and last summer I had less of a "garden" to show (had no tomato plants or similar that year). What you see here is just over half the space - the rest is more or less taken up by my sun-lounger.

  6. Most of the dreams that I can recall when I wake are definitely not dreams about which I want to be reminded and certainly not ones I'd want to write about. If I lived in a flat I think that I would go crazy without a balcony. In The Cottage in NZ my deck is my 'balcony'.

  7. I definitely would not want to be without the balcony. I've always had one except my first year at college. Even when the weather is not right for sitting there, I still appreciate the fact that it's there :)


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