
Sunday 24 June 2012

Raindrops on Roses



For Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday

I intended to write something witty here about how tired I’ve been today, but then I realized it won’t work in English. “sleeping like Sleeping Beauty” – sounds just silly, and not related at all to the photos… While in Swedish, the sleeping princess is called Törnrosa, and in German Dornröschen = Thorn-Rose…

Anyway, my Sleepy Sunday comes from a combination of raindrops on roses (as well as on everything else) and having had a rather busy Midsummer Friday and Saturday (together with my brother), including cracking our own da Vinci code, and perhaps even (fingers crossed!) a first step towards the process of selling the House.

The code-cracking had to do with dad’s filing system. He did a lot of railway history research in his day, and in July someone from the national Railway Museum will be coming to have a look at what might be of interest for them to preserve for the future. Hopefully it will be of some help that we managed to figure out dad’s system for cross-references to his photos!

We haven’t yet officially put the house up for sale - but on private request we showed it to a young couple this weekend. Early days… but there were some ‘good vibes’ and we’ll probably talk again.


  1. Good news about the house, will you be sad at the sale? Your raindrop flowers are beautiful, but my favorite are those beautiful bright green leaves, they look like I could reach right in and touch them!

  2. Fingers crossed for the house sale!
    And congratulations on having cracked your Dad's cross reference code.

  3. Hmm. Törnrosa and Dornröschen don't have quite the same romantic connotation as Sleeping Beauty but probably reflects the psyche of the people more accurately. Qui sait? Pas je.

    Well done on the code cracking. I find that the freshness of the green in the leaves is quite uplifting.

  4. great news about the house, hope the RR museum is interested. i love the veins in the leaves in the first photo. beautiful flowers and droplets and also vivid veins.

  5. I thought you were going to burst into that Julie Andrews song!

    Lovely shots.


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