
Monday 4 June 2012

The Silver 70s

In December 2011, I blogged about having received an email request to use an image I had published on my blog back in 2009. It was not one of my photos, but a scanned image of an old ticket from Leeds Rolarena in 1972 - when at the age of 16 going on 17, I spent a month in Yorkshire, staying with an English family. (If you want to read or revisit that story, you’ll find it here.)

The request came from someone putting together a video for a 1970s exhibition at Leeds City Museum. The exhibition has come and gone (January – April 2012), but the videos from it can now be watched on YouTube (published by the museum). The clip where my ticket appears (briefly) - My 1970s: Going Out - is just one of 52 short videos on a wide variety of topics. If you’re feeling nostalgic about the 1970s, go to YouTube to watch some more…  Knock yourself out!



  1. not nostalgia for me, i was in my late 20's with two sons during these years that were trying to drive me nuts. but i did watch it and saw your ticket and it did make me remember we called going to see a movie, going to the picture show. or to the show. i heard on here they said to the pictures. we have to go back 20 to 30 years for my nostalgia to kick in. really cool they wanted to use your tickets. since i throw everything away i have nothing to contribute to any year

  2. Quite nostalgic but I was a teenager in the sixties so it's really a bit late for me.


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