
Thursday 5 July 2012

A Shopping Spree

One never knows what each day is going to bring.
The important thing is to be open and ready for it.
~ Henry Moore (British sculptor, 1898-1986) ~


Today I woke up to a nice summer day promising pleasantly warm weather, and decided that it was just the day for me to go ‘across town’ and play tourist at the big shopping centre.

By tourist shopping I mean leisurely browsing rather than hunting for things I’m desperately in need of.

There was only one ‘serious’ (or half serious) item on the shopping list in my head – a new swimsuit.

Bathing/working out in the hospital’s rehab pool twice a week  - most of the year - I actually literally wear out about one swimsuit a year. So a visit to a certain outlet at the shopping centre has become part of my summer traditions, whether the need is ‘urgent’ or not. It’s so much easier (not to mention more inspiring) to go shopping for swimsuits in the summer than in winter!

I was lucky and found one this year, too:


(You didn’t really expect me to show it to you with me inside, did you!)


I also came home with another pair of shoes. No, not those red high-heeled ones… A pair of soft black ones that hopefully won’t give me blisters…

And since I was touristing… I just couldn’t resist this summer souvenir, even though it was obviously not one of a kind :


Sold as napkin rack, but for me it will serve as letter rack to hold my summer postcards from friends.


While enjoying an outdoors McD hamburger with fries and Coke (another summer tradition) I was being entertained by these colourful young street musicians, part of some summer performance project (supervised by the woman in white in the background).


  1. what fun, wish i could have gone tourist shopping with you. i like the bathing suit, and am WAITING to see you inside it. LOL. hope the shoes are just what you need

    1. I hope so too. With another pair I bought some time ago I was not lucky, they felt good in the store but turned out to be cut too low over the toes for me - putting pressure on a particular point which soon gets chafed. The ones I found yesterday have a different/higher cut, more like a pair of old ones that I've been very comfortable with. (I shall probably end up giving the other recently bought pair to some charity shop. They're very good quality otherwise and might be a bargain for someone else...)

  2. Your bathing suit is very pretty. I wear out about 4 or 5 a year so am always on the lookout for bargain prices. Like you said, it is easier to find suits this time of year and not easy in Dec.-March. So I stock up when I see swimsuits I like.

    1. I had to look up your profile to check where it is you live... Ah. California. Well I guess that IS one of the spots on earth where you might tend to wear out swimsuits...

  3. Ah, it all looks nice and relaxed and summery! Your pretty new costume reminds me that I plan to go to the pool and do some swimming myself. (It'll have to be the boring old public pool, though, not a private one).

    1. Gentle exercises in the heated hospital pool turned out the best physiotherapy for my neck/shoulder. It does not involve any actual swimming. I was never a good swimmer, and before the physiotheraphy I doubt I ever wore out a swimsuit in my life...

  4. I'm envious of your summers day outing. Mind you it was warmer outside than inside today here and I spent as much of it as possible out in the wintery sunshine. Glad you had a successful day shopping.

    1. Pauline, in my kitchen I have a New Zealand wall calendar that GB sent me, keeping me aware of the seasons "down under" being the opposite of ours here...

  5. A pretty swimsuit, I like the colours and pattern. Since I go swimming so very, very rarely myself, my bikinis and swimsuits last for years. And why not show us how you are modeling it? Working out twice a week you surely must have the figure for it :-)

    1. One might think so - if life was fair! My 'work out' in the hospital's pool consists of very gentle physiotherapy exercises in 33°C water. If I do too much, I end up with worse pain instead of relief. No actual swimming involved for me.

  6. What a pretty suit, I go through about one a year too, chlorine really fades the color. I like your napkin/letter holder. I have a toast rack I use for that.

  7. I think that's rather a smart swimsuit. I rather take for granted visits to malls which is odd given that there isn't one on Lewis nor in Napier.


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