
Thursday 27 September 2012

BTT: Carry-ons

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Deb at This week’s question is:

Do you bring the book(s) you’re reading with you when you go out? How? Physically, or in an e-reader of some kind? Have your habits in this regard changed?

I rarely bring books with me when I go out, but I do always bring my mobile/ cell phone; and on the phone I always have a couple of audio books stored. Sometimes I listen to a book while walking, it depends on where I’m going. (If there’s a lot of noise or if I’m out with the chief purpose of taking photos, I find it too much of a distraction to also be listening to a book.)

Back when I travelled more often by train, I always used to bring a book. (On a bus or in a car I never could read.) Nowadays I don’t travel much, and a combination of neck- and eyeproblems makes it difficult to sit and read “anywhere”. So even when I eventually get myself a Kindle or similar (probably in a not too distant future), I doubt I’ll be carrying it around with me very frequently.



  1. if i am going to do more than 10 minutes of waiting or sitting, i always take a book. now i will be taking my beloved Kindle. i am addicted to it now and will take my books back to the library this time and never more drive there, unless of course the web is under cyber attack that has been on TV today. just imagine our world and what would not work without the internet. oh woe for my kindle

    1. By the time you next need the library Sandra it will probably have been closed to save money because no-one is using it.

  2. If your tied up for awhile it's good to have a book.

  3. Like you, I can't read on a bus or in a car, but I always read on the train, even if it is just a 10-minute-ride. I also take my book (or kindle, depending what I am reading at that time) with me when I go to the doctor's or anywhere else where I know beforehand there'll be some waiting.
    When I'm out walking or running, I want to hear what's going on around me (footsteps, bikes or cars behind me, for instance) and find it too dangerous to shut myself off by earphones, but I like listening to podcasts when ironing.

  4. I'm never without something to read or a crossword to do on public transport or when I'm waiting and this has been made so much easier my having the kindle app on my mobile phone.

    1. Since I ordered my "big" Kindle I've discovered the app for my Android phone as well.


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