
Thursday 11 October 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Just One Book

This week’s question from Deb at Booking through Thursday:

If your house was burning down and you could save just one book from your collection … what would it be?

(And, for the purposes of this discussion, we’ll allow series to count as “one” long, multi-volume book.)

Ah… Had this been last week, I’d have had trouble choosing, but now the answer is simple: I’d grab my Kindle! (which already holds more than a hundred downloaded books) ;)

Honestly, though, I’d probably be thinking of my laptop before the Kindle, and old photo albums rather than books. Because – presuming we’re talking about a local fire and not a world-wide break-down of the whole modern society – gadgets and printed books can be replaced, but personal notes and photos cannot.

But if it must be a book… My first Bible, because of the personal notes and markings in it.



  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thought of it being an ordinary fire vs end of the world. I don't know that I'd grab paper books in an ordinary fire because they can be replaced easily. Great answer! Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Megan, I always has a tendency to "think too much" on questions like this. If a sudden fire really broke out, I'd probably grab something totally irrational and just run...

  2. For an actual book,the KJV Bible I was given at confirmation when I was about 12. Tho not exactly a book, I would like to grab a book of family photos, since those are not replaceable.

  3. Oh wow a tatted bookmark very nice.

    If a kindle or laptop was allowed I'd go for that and certainly physical photos would be higher priority but I always envisioned myself saving my books if I could.

    1. If I did lose all my books in a fire, I'm sure it would feel very strange to build up a home again without any of them left.

  4. I like your answer. Most books can be replaced, but there's a lot of personal things that could not. Thanks for dropping by my post earlier.

  5. haha clever answer! thanks for sharing and stopping by today! I also considered the hypothetical kindle that i do not yet own. :p but it's true.. photographs and notes cannot be replaced.. so let's just hope my memory stays with me for a while. Because otherwise, I would lose lots in that fire.
    hop on over anytime!


  6. Same here - books would be relatively easy to replace, but things like my personal documents (most of the important stuff is in my wallet anyway) would mean a lot of hassle, so I'd make sure my handbag, my mobile phone and my camera were with me before leaving the house. Before March, I would have made sure first thing that my cat was safe. Now that she's dead and I have no other pets, I wouldn't worry that much about all the other stuff.

    1. I have no pets but I suspect it's an instinct with most people to think of living creatures before inanimate objects.

  7. As you say printed books can generally be replaced although I have one or two that are very precious. Photos and other documents are quite another thing, though, because they are generally irreplaceable.

    1. GB, I noted with interest at BTT that most answers included a book that was a gift, or had been in the family for generations, or some such reason to make them special.

  8. Okay, so in case of zombie apocalypse...what would you grab? Me, I'd probably grab the telephone book - does the most damage to zombies out of all books out there.

    1. Erlessard, not being really familiar with the concept of zombie apocalypse, I'd probably still grab the Bible ;)

  9. the photo of the Bible is just stunning, I love that cross. i was going to say Kindle when i saw the question, but you are right, kindles can be replaced. in case of fire, we have a plan, we keep two leashes in the bedroom and 2 in the garage, because we think first of the dogs, we are to grab the silver box that has all our most private things first, if i had time i would not grab a book but grab the laptop.

  10. I'm with you, I'd grab my Kindle and my Bible, it dates to my baptism when I was 7.

  11. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

    Good answer! I've got the same thoughts too. Anything personal that cannot be replaced is more important. :-)


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