
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Subtle Shades of Red


The weather forecasts keep making promises of glimpses of the sun a few days ahead… but it’s much like chasing the rainbow. When we get there, the sun has invariably moved on again, into the future…!

The photo is from last week, but the same veiw looked pretty much the same today (maybe a few more leaves have shifted from green to red on these trees), as I walked into town this afternoon to get my seasonal flu-shot.

A few hours later and in my body it feels like the War of the Worlds has begun (my immune system against the alien invasion) … Some years I’ve hardly felt a thing, other times I do. Well. Whether it’s mostly in my mind or not, I think I’ll be going to bed early tonight…


  1. Hello:
    Autumn has indeed slowly crept up upon us and in another few weeks our minds will become focussed on the turning of the year, such is the passing of time.

    Here we have had a glorious day of sunshine for a National Holiday to commemorate those who died and were tortured in the 1956 Uprising. Tonight the museum opposite us is candle lit, placed by those who have filed past since early morning.

  2. I've never had a flu shot so I don't know how it feels, but I imagine having a war raging through one's body isn't very nice.
    At the moment, all I am complaining about is a very sore throat and a very nasty cough to match; my neighbours probably think I have adopted a dog, since they are hearing all this "bellowing" coming from my flat since Sunday...

    1. Sounds like you have a 'war' of your own going on there. I hope you're feeling better. I've been taking flu shots every autumn for about ten years now and even if occasionally it makes me feel a bit "off" for a day or so, it's nothing like the real thing (which usually came with a lot of sideeffects for me and clubbed me down for weeks sometimes).

  3. hope the shot doesn't make you sick, or your mind either. LOL. we got ours 2 weeks ago and did fine. but we always have, i know a couple of people that have reactions. beautiful sight to see while on the way to a flu shot

  4. Sory about the War of the Worlds. Hope Peace breaks out soon.

    As for the Sun. We had the same promises - four days of Indian Summer from last Friday became - from Sunday - then Tuesday - now they just say it's going to be cold again...

    1. "Peace breaks out"... Love that image! Thanks, John.

  5. I last had 'flu (the three weeks hors de combat sort) Christmas 1999. Since then I've had the flu jab every year and even when I had the ordinary and bird-flu jabs at the same time (different arms!) I was fine afterwards. There's an old saying 'where there's no sense there's no feeling'. I've had 'flu three times in my life and I don't want it again. I hope by now you are back on top. I like the picture by the way.

    1. Brave man you are. If memory serves me right I did not dare take those two at the same time but a week or so apart (I can't recall now which year that was!). I suppose I may be a bit extra sensitive to some vaccines because of my chronic problems.


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