
Friday 9 November 2012

Friday My Town: Gravity at Play


When I first caught sight of the cat in the tree, she was playing with the tallow ball like with a toy. However…


… there were more interesting things in that tree than the tallow ball… Notice her gaze… Unfortunately I was unable to catch the whole scene with my camera, but there was also a small bird involved… For a while, he sat boldly on the furthest edge of that branch, making noises… I’m not sure if he was just expressing his anger at having had his lunch interrupted, or if he was actually thinking that he might be able to lure the cat out on a twig too thin to hold her weight!


She did seem set on going after him, but then she was distracted again by the feeder.


Hmm, nobody seems to be at home…


This is no fun any more… Stupid birds!


I’m off home!

… And I’m linking this post to Friday My Town Shoot Out, where the theme of the week is Gravity at Play…


  1. Nice photo story about your pretty and agile cat.

    1. Thanks Terra. It's not my cat though, and I don't know to whom it belongs.

  2. Oh what a cute picture story. Those little birds can really get angry!! This was very entertaining.

    1. I was rather impressed by the bird daring to come back to the tree at all while the cat was there. It was too far away for me to see what kind of bird it was, and I didn't manage to get a photo of it.

  3. Great series of pictures. It all looks a bit scary, balancing on that high branch - but I know cats like that kind of thing!

    1. I was wondering if it would get stuck up there, but getting up and down seemed to be no problem for this cat either.

  4. what a fun thing to see, i would have snapped myself silly. so cute

    1. It was rather amusing to watch, I'm glad it did not go on much longer though because I had a bus to catch!

  5. Sometimes we happen to be just at the right place at the right time with our cameras, as your post proves!

    1. Meike, I very nearly left the camera at home that day (yesterday) because the weather was dull and I was going shopping... But at the last minute I grabbed it anyway - and was rewarded! With my mobile phone camera I doubt I'd have been able to zoom in on the action.

  6. I kept waiting for the cat to fall - is that cruel of me? It must come from watching our kitten constantly experiment beyond the bounds of the possible and seeing the surpised look on her face as she lands!

    1. I guess this cat has gathered a bit more experience, John. :) I was kind of expecting her to fall as well - either that, or getting stuck up there. The tree was not very tall though. Even if she had taken a fall I doubt she'd have got seriously hurt. (I don't know why I keep referring to this cat as 'her', I don't really know whether it was male or female.)

  7. a truly beautiful cat and so big to. great shots and fun to watch, glad she did not have bird for dinner, or he.

  8. Yes... I don't think I would have liked to watch if that had been the outcome...

  9. Now that's a creative take on the topic! I do love a curious cat.

  10. Iwwas so afraid the cat was going to fall off. Hope he has lost interest and never returns to that limb...but I doubt it.

  11. Great story and pictures of the gravity defying cat. In that second shot it has the look and posture of a skilled hunter. I think that's a cat that should wear a warning bell!

  12. wonderful story - purrrfect for this week's theme!

  13. A great photo story. Some wonderful shot of the face of the cat. Right on the money.

  14. I'm another of the 'the cat's going to fall' school of thought...or expectation. At least it didn't catch a bird. Now that would have upset me.


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