
Sunday 23 December 2012

4th Advent Sunday

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Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

It’s been a rather busy week, even though I don’t really have all that much to prepare for Christmas. I’m not going anywhere, and the only visitor I’m expecting is my brother. He’s staying the night at the House outside town with the dog but will come into town to me tomorrow. We’d half planned that he’d come in this evening as well… but with a snowstorm coming up, he decided not to. Which proved wise, as the blizzard has now been going on for a couple of hours and certainly does not look like the kind of weather anyone would want to be out in “for fun”. Whoever it was around here that wished for a white Christmas…. we got it… I can only hope the worst of it will blow over during the night and that Per won’t have too much difficulty digging his way out tomorrow.

Shadow Shot Sunday 2


  1. Just had an email from a friend who is in Denmark visiting her son and daughter-in-law for Christmas, and she said it was snowing sideways. So, as you say, a good night for staying home!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I am glad to hear Per will be there with you for Christmas... i do hope the snow will stop and let him get to you safely. stay safe

  3. Good decision for your brother to stay put tonight. Hopefully he won't have difficulties in getting to your place tomorrow.
    This weather is absolutely crazy; we've had snow at the end of October - something that has not happened before during my lifetime - and now, at 13 Celsius today and 15-18 tomorrow, we are in for the warmest Christmas in 30 years, while in Siberia, people struggle with -57, and about 80 people have already lost their lives in the cold nights in Moskow at -30.
    Keep warm, and have a very Merry Christmas, dear Monica!

  4. A proper snowy Christmas. Lovely. Well... it is from this far away. Too hot to sleep last night, and very muggy with this tropical storm approaching New Zealand.

  5. PS. Happy Christmas to you too!

  6. I wish you well .... and happy, calm, fine & friendly christmas days!

  7. I hope you both have a wonderful and meaningful Christmas, Monica!

  8. Such a lovely glow of candlelight and love the twirly shadow too!

  9. I do hope that the weather improves and Per gets to you. Enjoy your day.

  10. I echo GB - but then, I often do!
    I like the four candle photo with the cards behind.

  11. I sometimes think white Christmases are nicer in theory than reality! I hope it did not cause Per too many problems.


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