
Thursday 13 December 2012

BTT: Contemplation

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So … you’ve just finished reading a book. For the sake of the discussion, we’ll say it was everything a book should be—engaging, entertaining, interesting, thought-provoking. The kind you want to gush over. The question is—do you immediately move on to your next book? Or do you take time to contemplate this writerly masterpiece and all its associated thoughts/ emotions/ ideas for a while first?

Actually, I asked myself that question after finishing The Blackhouse by Peter May last weekend. And my answer was to contemplate for a day or so and write a review of the one I’d just read before I moved on to the next. (The link goes to my review.)

I usually have more than one book going at the same time, though. First of all, I nearly always have one audio book going besides my main Kindle or printed read. But I usually also have a couple of “slow read” books lying around (or easily available on the Kindle). A “slow read” book can be a book of facts or essays or short stories or poems, or basically any book where I can just read a chapter now and then without being left with a cliffhanger at the end.

So while I sometimes feel I may need a bit of time between going from one “pageturner” to the next, that does not necessarily mean total abstinence. ;)

As The Blackhouse was the first in a trilogy, I also had to make the decision whether my next read should be the next book in that series – or something different. After a bit of hesitation… I’ve now got started on the next in the series: The Lewis Man. Which shows all the potential of being another pageturner. But I also find it cuts a bit deeper for me emotionally because of some issues involved (parents with dementia)… I may have to turn to some lighter reading on the side, perhaps!



  1. you already know what i will say, so i will say is short and sweet, only page turners for me, one right behind the other.

  2. I post my thoughts and move right on to the next book.

  3. Writing a review is my form of contemplation and I'm able to move on to the next book after I get my thoughts written down. Here's my BTT:

  4. I have tried reading more than one book at a time, but reading, reviewing, and moving on works best for me.


  5. I have a Similar answer.

  6. I have a complete one track and it is hard for me to remember things in one book, let alone many! I only read one at a time to immerse myself in it.

  7. I often have more than one book going too. When I finish a book, I generally just move on to the next one!
    2 Kids and Tired Books BTT

  8. An interesting question, and interesting answers!
    For me, contemplating happens naturally, since I rarely have enough time to simply slip into the next book (figuratively speaking) after I have finished one. I often read on the train, and so I have a lot of time between one chapter and the next, and contemplate those as well, not just the entire book.
    And every time I finish a book and think about what to put in my review on my blog and do a little research on the author, I am contemplating, too.

  9. I wonder how much can be told of a person by his or her reading habits. I usually have at least three books on the go at any one time although, as with The Blackhouse, once I started it only took me a few days to finish it and the others languished. I have been reading The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist for weeks and weeks (it is not a light read!).


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