
Tuesday 4 December 2012

First Snow


It’s been snowing here for two days now. The photo above is from yesterday afternoon when I went for a short walk to the nearby branch library to pick up an audio book that was waiting for me. Today I’ve not been out – there’s been quite a strong wind blowing in addition to continued snowfall, and as I did not really need to go anywhere, I didn’t… 

According to weather forecasts, the cold and snowy weather is going to continue all week. Sooner or later I suppose I shall have to venture out anyway… Tomorrow I have washing to do though (the laundry room in the basement booked for the afternoon), which is a good excuse to stay in and ignore whatever is going on outside…


  1. Embrace the seasons. They are wonderful. The cold makes my bones ache but I would never miss a whole snowy day. It's the only way I can appreciate the world. Summer is a bit boring but winter transforms.

    1. Our winter is too long. I'd go into hibernation for at least half of it if I could.

  2. That is a lot of snow already! It has been snowing here for part of the day but it was not cold enough for it to remain on the ground.
    In several books set in Sweden, I have read about people booking the laundry room, something I have never come across in Germany, not even when I lived in a block of flats shared by twelve families.

    1. Living in rented flats all my adult life, I never had a washing machine of my own! There are disadvantages but also the advantage of driers and drying cabinets, and mangle for sheets etc.

  3. brrr... i vote for stay inside... those trees are beautiful, the snow makes them even prettier. I love leafless trees

  4. Winter trees covered in snow: I love them. As for the snow I really miss it but people are rarely happy. Here in Hawkes Bay it's up to 29 deg this morning and some people (NOT ME) are complaining already!

    1. GB, I like snow on trees too... It's the snow on the ground that I have problems with! (Mind you, +29 deg in the morning goes beyond my comfort zone too, so I doubt I'd find the NZ climate perfect either.)

  5. This reminds me of the first snow when I was in Sweden in 1975-I was so excited because it was an adventure for me. The lady at the bank didn't share my enthusiasm. Great photo.

    1. There's usually a bit of excitement about the FIRST snow, Rose-Anne... Somehow snow seems to be an increasing cause of total chaos though. (I suppose that has got something to do with increased traffic.)

  6. I so agree with everyone...just stay inside and read a book, get a cup of something hot to drink, and let the laundry wait.

    The picture is perfect. It was a little cooler in Southern CA today, but nothing like you are experiencing.

    1. Wanda, there will be time for cups of tea and bookreading between the turns to the laundry room.

  7. I love this picture with the snow and the neat long row of trees. They say we are going to have the warmest winter yet, we are needing to run the AIR conditioning tonight!!!!


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