
Thursday 20 December 2012

Thankful Thursday

Coming home from grocery shopping in town today, I stepped into the lift, pressed the button to my floor, and… all the buttons started to blink like a crazy Christmas display.

And the lift stood still – with doors closed…

Luckily when I pressed the door-opening button, that one did work, and I was able to step out again. Phew!

And as I don’t live any higher than the 2nd floor and it’s not my legs that are troubling me (but my shoulder), it’s hardly worth mentioning. Except to say I’m thankful I did not get stuck inside the lift!

When I got up to my flat I phoned the lift maintenance service straight away; and a man came round about two hours later and fixed it (and when he was done he rang my doorbell and told me). Hopefully they’d have come sooner if someone had been stuck inside.

To my knowledge, that’s never happened while I’ve lived here though. The few times I’ve noticed the lift stuck it’s always been empty and stuck on one floor rather than between floors.

Still… When I take the lift down to the basement in winter (to the laundry or storage rooms), I always put on a warm jacket and proper shoes, and bring my mobile… Just in case!

All in all, it’s not been the best week on the technology front. They seem to have sorted out the broadband now though – “fingers crossed”… (Remains to be seen if it will stand the pressure of everyone spending the holidays playing with their new computers and games.)


I’ve completely forgotten where I took this photo (back in May. I found it just now when I was looking through my archives for something else…)


  1. This is my worst nightmare!!! I am scared to death of elevators, except the big ones in hospitals. I went to a museum this year in another city. When I walked in they told me all their exhibits were on the bottom floor and we had to take the elevator. I turned around and left. About the cell phone...I hear they don't work in elevators, but think I used one once so I guess it depends on the individual one.

    1. My elevator-ride is so short I never really had a chance to test the phone in there, but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Might be different in a really big building, perhaps.

  2. cute little birds are there to tempt the real ones to visit. funny thing is, the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago. i went to visit Rich in the hospital, 3rd floor. got in the elevator and pushed 3. the doors shut and the elevator sat there, i started breathing funny after i pushed 3 twice and nothing, then i pushed open and when the doors opened i darted out like someone was chasing me. i had to wait 5 minutes for one of the other 2 elevators to come to my floor. i refused to get back on it. the next time i visited i put my phone in my pocket. glad you did not get stuck

    1. Yes me too. The elevator is one of the main reasons I chose to move here and on the whole it makes me feel secure rather than unsafe. At my last place there wasn't one and I had difficulties carrying things up and down a narrow spiral staircase. Here I have a choice - and besides the elevator the stairs here are better as well. Straight and with banisters on both sides.

  3. Yes, phones do not work inside lifts. But still take yours with you when you leave your flat in case something happens, even a fall. You will need help after you get out of the lift. Or you may need to get help for someone else. Have the number of the lift service in your phone.
    I have been stuck in the lift in my building only twice. Neither time was for very long. I live on level 22 in my building of 29 levels and the lifts break down from time to time. Once, but only once so far, we completely lost power when the building was struck by lightning. I am prepared to walk down the stairs but not up. In my building there are three small flights of stairs for each level and then an extra one at the end to get out of the building into the safety of the street. I have done it a few times. The only problem is giddiness from all the turns while you are a little anxious.

    1. Oh, 29 levels... That's high. I live on 2nd of 3, most buildings that size don't have a lift at all. The highest building yet in our town is 12 stories, they're building one now that will be 20.

  4. That can be a scary situation especially for those with anxiety issues.

    I'm the one that always starts a conversation in an elevator, as everyone become mute when they step in one. Most probably don't appreciate my talking for stories. Oh well, get off at the next floor. Just kidding...

    1. The elevator where Iive serves six flats, you almost never meet anyone in the elevator, and no time to strike up a conversation if you do...

  5. I would never have thought about needing warm clothes when you go into your lift to the basement... because our winters are never that bad, for a start... Thanks for another peek into a different world.
    I do love the bird-house birdies. Delightful! Is it a real one or a decoration?

    1. It's chilly in our basement, laundry room included. Even in the summer I put on extra clothes to go down there. Don't know with the birdhouse. I think I saw it at a shop so no birds at home then, but as for the purpose...?

  6. How very sensible of you to dress warmly and take your mobile with you when you use the lift! I don't know what I'd do if I got stuck in a lift... certainly not a very pleasant scenario to imagine, and a very good reason for being thankful that this did not happen to you.

    1. It's only happened to me once, many years ago, and then I was in a group of friends who had been visiting another friend living in a highrise building... Some of us took the lift, some walked down. Probably one too many of us got in the lift! We did not have to wait very long before help arrived though as the friends who took the stairs noticed what happened.

  7. I've never been stuck in a lift but can imagine it being a most unpleasant experience. It rarely occurs to me to worry about these things though. I tend never to be more than an arm's length from my cellphone though. Mind you on the croquet lawns I have to turn it off and my iPhone has automatic silence at night activated so it doesn't disturb me.

    1. GB, if I lived in a house/cottage with only one floor, I don't think I'd worry much about getting stuck in the (non-existent) lift either...


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