
Saturday 5 January 2013

5th January, 4th Blogoversary


Counting: One, two, three, four… Yes. It’s four years today since I started my first blog (the predecesssor of this one) and wrote my very first blogpost.

It takes more advanced maths to tot up all my blog posts though … hmm… (whirring sound from my brain) … Well, just counting The Island of the Voices and this one (which are really the same blog, even if I changed the name in connection with switching account two years ago) – what-d’ya’know, the number of posts between them actually add up very nicely to exactly 1200, with this very post!

But then there’s also my Picture Book and Greetings from the Past, and a couple of others which have not been updated for a very long time… Well, let it be enough to say that A LOT more sprung from my first hesitating step into the unknown Blogworld than I could ever have guessed four years ago when in my first post I quoted the passage from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (by C.S. Lewis) where Lucy finds the Magician’s book with the “spell to make hidden things visible” (I still love the sense of prediction in this quote):

She read it through to make sure of all the hard words and then said it out loud. And she knew at once that it was working because as she spoke the colours came into the capital letters at the top of the page and the pictures began appearing in the margins. It was like when you hold to the fire something written in Invisible Ink and the writing gradually shows up...”

I also want to say a special thanks to those of you who have been “following” me almost from start and are still doing so. (It’s the two-way communication part of blogging that keeps me going!) And again a special thanks also to my long-time penpal Rose-Anne in Australia who was the one to introduce me to blogging in the first place! Smile


  1. Congratulations - what a double-milestone, 1.200 posts and your 4th blogoversary!!
    Mine (4th blogoversary as well) will be coming up in March, I think, but I have - so far - only just managed to write a bit over 400 posts.

  2. Here's to the next four years.
    Well done.

  3. Congratulations, Monica!!! I just love this blue glove caught in a tree, for one thing, it represents writing! You and I must have started about the same time. People are always posting their anniversaries, but I have not found how to know. I just went to Blogger, and looked through stats...where do I go to find out when my first post was?

    1. Dear Ginny, just look in your Blog Archive...!
      Your first post was 22 July, 2009.
      (I just checked!) ♥

  4. time just goes so fast, i need to look at my blogs and see my date, can't even remember it... or how many post. just checked and my first post was 8/28/08 which means i have been on here for a little over 4 years and that is hard to believe. and i think we have been blog friends for at least 3 of those...

    1. I'm not sure exactly when we started Sandra but I know since then we've been 'chatting' almost daily... that's a lot of emails! :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! And you have managed to keep your posts interesting all the way through - that's why your followers are faithful!

    1. John, I know I came across you rather early on, I think your Words blog first. But I just found evidence that I commented on a post in your Rambling blog in late April 2009. (About Eeyore!) (Noting an odd thing now: Old comments still show old avatar pictures?? I thought those changed automatically) And I remember at least some posts from when you went to stay with GB on Lewis that spring/summer.

  6. Congratulations on your bloggerversary. I'm not sure how long I've been following. It seems like we've known each other for years but time plays so many tricks with me these days. Here's to the next four and a long and rewarding friendships with all your Blogging pals.

    1. Thanks Graham. I think we first properly "met" through the 'Soaring through the World' blog in July 2009 - and before that I'd come across you as Scriptor's 'Brother-who-blogs' and had even seen some pictures of your home. So yes, we have actually known each other for years! ;)

  7. What a special day of the year. Blogging is a lovely thing to do, I'm sure we all agree. Congratulations!

  8. Meike, Adrian, Katherine... Thanks. I think it was the Edwards brothers who led me to all of you!

  9. I have just come back from holidays and was checking up on your blog to see what you have been up to. Happy blogaversary. It is a great way to keep in touch and see what each person is up to. You have inspired me to be more adventurous with my photography. Here's to another year of blogging.


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