
Thursday 31 January 2013

BTT: On Loan

btt buttonfrom DEB

Do you lend your books? Are any out on loan right now? Do you have any that have been loaned to you? Do you put a time limit on these? Do you think people should make an effort to read the loaned book quickly?

My short answer would be: It depends…

I both lent and borrowed more books among friends in the past than I do now. One reason is that there are fewer people now that I see regularly, and most of the people I discuss books with these days don’t even live in the same country!

I have some experience from far back in the past of people not returning books…  Keeping them for years, or even for good. Whether I’d lend a book to someone now depends on what book, and who’s asking.

Right now I think I’ve only got one book on (private) loan myself. I’ve had it for a while as it’s part of a series and I’d not read all the previous ones yet. But my aunt knew that when she lent it to me…  (It’s probably in turn now next time I feel like holding a “real” book instead of the Kindle.)

Generally speaking, if someone asks to borrow a book from me, I’d probably expect them to read and return it sooner rather than later, if nothing else was said. But if it’s the other way round - if I say to someone “this is a good book, borrow it if you like” - then I wouldn’t automatically assume them to dive right into it.


  1. I definitely know how it is having bookish friends far away. Makes lending books a lot harder! I agree with your answer. Sometimes we expect a person to take their time with the book.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. i think we can lend our kindle books, but have not checked into it.. can't answer this because i don't keep books, as i have said before. so the question doesn't pertain to me. but i do think if someone borrows a book they should read it and return in a timely manner.

    1. In the US you can lend your Kindle books (if memory serves me right only for 14 days though) but we here in Sweden/Europe who buy from cannot.

  3. I do loan out books that I have already read. However, I draw the line with books I haven't read yet. With the family that live far away, I give them the books I've already read, it is understood they are not to give them back, just donate them, give them away, or do whatever they choose with the books.

  4. I tell my friends that want to borrow a book, that I love loaning them out, but have lost a few that way, so I keep a log in my computer of my books and the date and who I loaned it too. Then I ask how long do you think you need to read, and I jot it down...take you time, and if someone else want to borrow that book I'll give you a call. Meantime just enjoy. I put down a date they give me...usually a month or so. It's worked most of the time...and when I forgot to jot it down...that's the book I never got back. That happened recently, so I just bought another copy (Used and on sale ~ Amazon used books).

  5. There are certain books and cds/dvds that I don't loan out at all. Some of my cookbooks do not leave my home. My friends are more than welcome to read and copy recipes while visiting, but I never allow them to take them home. I've lost too many books in the past this way.
    Some of my limited works (T.Lobsang Rampa, Tintin, Asterix/Obelix and my prized herbal books) will never ever be loaned out.
    There are only a few close friends that I will loan books to, because they are careful, and they will get them back to me in a timely manner with no damage.

  6. I no longer lend books. The changes in lifestyles and the attitudes towards other people mean that things are rarely returned. Even if I have my name in the book this still happens. I now do not borrow or lend anything that I care about. It is a sad state of affairs I know.

  7. Many people loan me books that I never asked for. That is very nice, but they are not the type of books I would like. They also leave them in church for me or give them to Phil to give to me. Then I am STUCK!!! Now I have a big pile of loaned books that I don't like or want to read. Some are a year old because I cannot tell my one very depressed friend that I will never read her kind of books. I have tried telling people I don't have the time, and that does not work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    1. Read a synopsis Ginny. Give the books back. If they ask how you liked them just give a bland answer based on the synopsis.

  8. My daughter and I trade books and recently I loaned her one from my Kindle to hers.

  9. Most of my reading material comes to my Kindle these days, which makes it unsuitable for lending them anyway (I know it's possible, apart from my sister, nobody I know in my vicinity has a Kindle, and my sister and I do not usually read the same books). Of the books that are not on my Kindle, most come from the library, so they have to be returned anyway. Sometimes I borrow a book from my parents or my sister, and sometimes I lend one to my Mum.

  10. I think the only person I borrow books from (and vice versa) is my younger daughter and we usually agree whether it's a quick read or a 'whenever you're ready' read. Like Louise I would not lend anything (except to family) that I really cared about. A few times bitten... And I agree it seems to be a change in attitude over the decades. At one time it would never have occurred to most people to keep someone else's book.

  11. some people borrow and never return. In my teacher's room, I put 3 of my books, nobody register they took, the books are not there,

  12. Hmmmm, that is a thought provoking question. I'm not sure I'd lend a book out; I've never borrowed a book from a friend before, just the library. And with the library rules comes a time limit. So, if I did, I'd probably tell them I want it back as quickly as possible. Your answer is great.


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