
Thursday 3 January 2013

BTT: Resolutions

btt buttonfrom Deb

Any reading resolutions for the new year? Reading more? (Reading less?) Reading better books? Bigger books? More series? More relaxing books?

And hey, feel free to talk about any other resolutions you might have, too … or why you choose NOT to have any.

Even if New Year is a point in time as good as any to stop and both take stock and look forward, I usually try to avoid making New Year promises involving specific goals, as I find it depressing when  if I fail to keep them… So when if I make resolutions, they usually don’t involve specific dates or numbers – whether it’s about time, kilos or books!

In yesterday’s post (45 Books and A Centenarian on the Run) I did sum up some of my reading statistics from 2012. I do keep a list of the books that I read on my computer. Looking back at what I read in the last year helps to remind me what that year was like in other ways as well.

But I never set a goal how many books to read in the next year. I see no need to compete with myself, and I don’t think the quality of reading is necessarily best measured in the number of titles. I also don’t write down long-term To-Read-lists. With my physical books, I keep most of my bought-but-not-yet-read on a special shelf. On the Kindle (bought only three months ago) I have created a similar “digital shelf” for the books I’ve actually paid for. But I read library books or free e-books in between, if that’s what I’m in the mood for.

One standing resolution since many years is to keep on reading English classics… Hopefully the Kindle will make that easier to get on with in the coming year(s)!


  1. I would like to read more in the genre I like this coming year.

  2. I think the English classics goal is awesome. I have quite a few on my list that I'd like to get to as well.
    2 Kids and Tired Books BTT

  3. I like how you look at reading goals. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to books. I set a goal for myself on goodreads, but just as a compass and something to remind me to make time for reading.
    English classics seem to be available at great prices on amazon, so hopefully having a Kindle will be helpful!
    I found that buying a Kindle significantly altered my reading habits. I don't regret any of my impulse purchases, but I've developed a problem with buying books when I already have too many to read!
    Thanks for stopping by my BTT! Happy New Year =)

    1. Yes I can see how buying too many Kindle books can become a problem ;) Unless they are free, or sold at what seems like it may be a temporary bargain price, I now put them on a "wish-list" first.

  4. I am 68 now and have never made a New Years Resolution, and will not start now... I have joked about making them, but never made one. thus i have never broken one either.... the only goal i have is to read as much as i can as often as i can....every single day..... I am not sure if i have ever read a classic, maybe in high school, but can't remember 50 years ago, so not sure.

  5. I don't make resolutions. This year I am trying to be more relaxed in my reading schedule, and I'm going to try to put a dent in my TBR pile this year. I like my e-readers, and I love the freebies they provide for us. I have found many interesting books among the freebies.

  6. Just found this blog and I love the title you have given it - it inspires one to read further. I come from England but live in South Africa and the Kindle has been revolutionary for my wife and myself. No longer is there a need to load bags with heavy books; everything is contained in one lightweight electronic gadget. You do have to be careful concerning the material you select to download though, as anybody can publish an ebook and there is consequently a great range in the quality of product on offer. However, focusing on the English classics is a brilliant idea - something we are hoping to introduce as we start to homeschool our kids this year. Thanks for an interesting read.

    1. Hi Stephen and thanks for your comment and signing up to follow. I can well imagine that the Kindle comes in very handy when you travel much or live abroad. I'm not too worried about choosing books to download... If it costs money I think twice before I buy, and if it's free I don't feel obliged to finish it or keep it if it turns out not to be to my liking. I guess if you have children you might want to keep an extra eye open though ;)

  7. It's too easy to buy books for Kindle. I'm going to have to watch that... :-)
    I am working my way through the 21 or so wonderful 'Aubrey-Maturin' Napoleonic wars seafaring books but Patrick O'Brian. Wonderful!

    1. I had no idea there were as many of that of them. I think I tried listening to one as audio book but it failed to catch my interest. In spite of my blogging avatar I'm really a landlubber...

  8. No resolutions for me, either. The thing is, we set ourselves up to complete high standards then fail, but it is all of our own making!

  9. Perhaps it is better to have set a goal and failed than never to have set a goal. Just a thought.

    1. And were you perhaps trying to chew a gum at the same time? (sorry GB, just couldn't resist) Of course I did not really mean to say one should never set goals or challenge oneself. It's just the traditional overambitiousness to make a long list of them on New Year's Eve that makes me a bit anti.

  10. Like you, I am not one to make any New Year's resolutions; I don't smoke (so I don't need to quit), I don't drink too much, I don't feel anything lacking in my life, I am healthy and fit (most of the time!), and the only thing I want to do more of this year is dancing. RJ keeps teaching me, but we often have very long breaks between one dance and the next, which means I am still very much on a beginner's level, and I want to get more practice and learn more, thus having even more fun on the dance floor.
    As for reading, I just read what I find and what I feel like at the time :-)

    1. Nothing wrong with a new resolution or goal now and then, I just find it stressful to set the goals too high, or make the list too long, or to necessarily start make all changes at New Year. As for reading, getting the Kindle back in the autumn was a kind of resolution in itself for me, I suppose.


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