
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Chaos reigns

The only things neatly in place at the moment are the new cables. Not excactly where I expected them to be though, so neither is anything else. The laptop I rescued to the kitchen before it all started. The hall I needn’t have bothered about (but did, so all the pictures and other stuff from there is in the kitchen too). Other things I should have worried about more than I did. Several pieces of furniture in the study had to be moved. So did a heavy bookcase in the sitting room. The guys did that for me (with tons of books and photo albums still in it). They also offered to put it back for me afterwards, but the thing is, by then it had dawned on me that if they did, the same super-heavy bookcase would have to be moved every time in the future that one might need access to the new cable box. Which I anticipate that one will! So I said leave it… I need a major home make-over here…. Which I realized is probably not in their job description. I don’t blame the guys who did the job today but I’m still muttering about the incompetent writers of all the confusing and contradictory letters of (mis)information beforehand…

Meanwhile, chaos reigns and my shoulder hurts, so it’s gonna take some time to get back to “normal”…!


  1. Oh gosh! You had an excellent idea to not move the bookcase back! And it does so cheer me up if the furniture is all moved. Everything is different and at first it feels a bit like living in a nice hotel. I know, call me crazy, but it lifts my spirits. Perhaps Per can help you finish moving? Who will you get to help? Or do you like it where they left it? Is it all over? Now I hope you have a perfect and fast computer connection!

  2. oh noooo on the shoulder, that does not sound good at all... and i do so hate chaos in my home, with things not where they go. good luck with new fios and with rearranging. and i to wonder who will help you move all these things

  3. My advice is to take it slow - but I guess you know that yourself without me telling you... the good thing is that, whatever chaos there may be in your flat at the moment, it only bothers you and nobody else (meaning, you don't have to worry about children or other people needing access to any of the stuff that had to be moved elsewhere). Very wise of you to let the cabel guys NOT move the book case back.
    People who compose letters like the ones you received are the kind I am fighting against - they don't even understand THAT and WHY it is so important to write in a precise and understandable manner!

  4. A change can be fun. Maybe an opportunity to throw out junk... oh wait, I'm talking about *my* house. :-D

  5. Sorry to hear of your chaos...and your shoulder. But hopefully when it's all done, you will be happy with the results. I spent the first week of the new year "de-cluttering and cleaning out desks and drawers"...Sure feels good to know where there are again.

  6. I hope the chaos subsides quickly for you.

  7. Thanks all for your sympathy and pep talk. Some kind of order is slowly beginning to emerge again from the chaos... Phew.


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