
Sunday 20 January 2013

The Sun and the Moon


Yesterday I had to put my sunglasses on when going out for a short walk. Not even with the glasses on did I really stare into the sun when taking this photo – only my camera did!


Turning round and looking in the other direction…
Can you spot the moon in the extremely clear blue sky?


(Cropped and lomo style edited image)

The field is the football field near where I live, and the temperature at noon yesterday was around -11°C (12F). It looked nice from inside, but felt very very cold once I got out. I had imagined myself going for a somewhat longer walk but ended up with just a short one. Still my face felt all red and frostbitten when I got back in.


Today cloudy again and –6.3°C but it still feels very cold just opening the balcony door, and I see the top branches of the trees moving a little… No, I won’t be going far today either. Better just stay in and continue reading, I think! (That’s why there are so many book reviews on this blog lately…)

Linking to Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Such a blue blue sky! It seems so strange when sun and moon are visible in the one sky! And love those footprints! Like artwork!

  2. Monica, a dramatic first image. A new moon is always worth a look. Reminds me of the old days of astro navigation. the moon and sun would always give a quick two point fix.

  3. Brr! The pictures are lovely, the sky is such an intense blue.

  4. I did not see the moon in the first image, but finally saw it in the next picture. Isn't the sun and snow a beautiful combination? One time I was able to snap the sun setting on one side, and the moon rising on the other. An amazing work of God, makes you humble.

  5. Are those YOUR footprints? Yikes, they look like you were running all over the place

    1. Haha. Most of them are NOT mine. And I don't think I've been running since some time back in the previous century...

  6. Lovely pictures. We were in the high 70's today. Had to put the boots away and drag out the sandals. Tomorrow is going to be sunny again. I can take this.

  7. Dramatic white, intense blue and icy cold followed by a nice cosy home. Sounds like a Good Day.

  8. How short are the days now Monica?

    1. Today, Katherine, sunrise ~ 8.30 and sunset 16.15. Which means the day has grown longer by 1 hour 15 min since the winter solstice a month ago; most noticeable in the afternoon.

  9. Spectacular pictures! But it looks as cold as it was, according to your description... we're at somewhere around -6 Celsius at night and -2 around noon. There is snow and we've had a bit of rain falling on frozen ground over Saturday night and Sunday morning, which caused a sheet of mirror-like ice on every surface outside. No bus service, hardly a car or anyone walking (except for dog-owners) on Sunday. We were snug in the warm flat, and by the time RJ left on Sunday night, it was back to normal driving conditions (with winter tyres, of course).

    1. That kind of freezing rain is worse than snow, Meike. Glad you did not have to get out in it.


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