
Thursday 14 March 2013

Booking Through Thursday: Mood Reading

btt buttonDoes your current mood affect your reading? Affect your choices? I know there are plenty of books I enjoy, but only if I’m in a particular kind of mood–or books that can lift me out of a bad mood without fail. Surely I’m not alone? /Deb

Yes, my mood definitely affects my reading, and my choice of books. As for books to lift me out of a bad mood… If I don’t have a new one waiting that I think may do the trick, I often find it comforting to reread books that I know I have found helpful in the past – classic children’s books and certain other works of fantasy, wit and humour. When we’re feeling angry, sad, jealous, scared, sorry for ourselves, or whatever, I think it often helps to find someone else has been there too and has the words to express it – including suggestions how to find courage, heart, humour and brain to deal with it.





  1. As soon as I read the first words of this post I knew I would mention "The Code of the Woosters", I love this book, it is a keeper isn't it? I loaned it to a friend and she wrote down a long list of funny words and phrases from it. And of course Narnia is a keeper too. We have similar reading tastes, I am happy to note.

    1. Terra, I had The Code of the Woosters as audio book on cassettes and I pretty much wore those out, many years ago... I managed "at the last minute" to record them from cassette to a cd-burner though. (Lousy quality sound-wise because of wear and tear of the original tapes, but otherwise brilliant.)

  2. I'm reading Three Men In A Boat.....surprisingly I'm enjoying it.

  3. Yes, I probably only read for my mood. If someone loans me a book that is a downer, I will not read it if I am depressed.

    1. I don't like to read 'heavy' books when I'm feeling low either.

  4. no mood reading for me, just a thriller or suspense or drama...bring it on... hte mood comes if i don't have a page turner to read... a bad mood. i don't have moods that effect my reading except for one mood. if i am angry, really angry i can't read at all, read the same thing over and over. if i am feeling down the only thing i can read is the Bible and that is always a mood changer. it has something for every thing.

  5. I agree the Bible has something for every mood - it's like a little library rather than "a book" :)

  6. My mood affects more my taste of music than what I read, I think. But then again, my mood does not alter dramatically; it is very rare that I am angry or sad, and the occasional bouts of sadness (mainly down to grief over my late husband) are usually not helped by reading or listening to music, but by having a little cry.
    When I was younger, I had "phases" of reading: I went through a fantasy phase, then had several months of devouring historical fiction, etc. Nowadays, I often feel the need to balance light entertainment with non-fiction, and cosy reads with more challenging ones.

  7. I am definitely going to make some time to read Three Men in a Boat.
    Harry Potter and Narnia I have watched the movies, but will probably still read the books at some point.

    1. My mood is more influenced by music than by book reading. It's impossible for me to concentrate on reading if my life is hectic or I'm sad...I automatically turn on some music.

  8. I like to re-read favorite books from my childhood/teen years, as well, often if I need to get out of a down mood or reading funk. Thanks for stopping by my BTT post!


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