
Thursday 25 April 2013

Booking Through Thursday: No Sporting Chance

This week’s BTT questions from Deb:
1. Do you read books about sports?
2. How about AT sporting events?
(Kid’s soccer practice?)

My answers:

1. No, I don’t read books about sports – unless you count Quidditch. (If anyone has actually managed to miss it, quidditch is a game played flying on broomsticks in the Harry Potter world.)

I have read, and am proud owner of, Quidditch through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp – one of the most popular titles in the Hogwarts school library. No wonder, since it contains lots of useful facts like:

The celebrated annual broom race of Sweden dates from the tenth century. Fliers race from Kopparberg to Arjeplog, a distance of slightly over three hundred miles. The course runs straight through a dragon reservation and the vast silver trophy is shaped like a Swedish Short-Snout.

(The proceeds from the sale of Quidditch of the Ages – © J.K. Rowling 2001 – go to Comic Relief, an organisation for fund raising for projects promoting social justice and helping to tackle poverty, worldwide.)

2. I was going to say I never read at sporting events, because I never attend any, and as I have no kids or grandkids I don’t have to watch soccer practice. But on second thought I have to take that back – as my balcony is only about 20 meters from a kids’ soccer ground! Official team practice and games has not started yet, but in the next few months I’m actually likely to read through lots of that kind… :)


People not reading while watching soccer.
(Zoomed in from my balcony a couple of years ago.)


~ 6.30 pm: This may be a Booking Through Friday post before I get it posted, as my internet cable connection is down on Thursday afternoon…

~ 8.00 pm: (skipping much ado about nothing) It seems to be back, giving it a go to send this off!


  1. oh no not cable problems with the new cable. i to do not attend sports and i do read through all the sports hubby watches on TV... had never heard of that Q word or broom races.

    1. Oh yes cable trouble. The connection went down again shortly after I managed to post... Back on this morning, off again for a while Friday afternoon, but just now working. Don't know what's going on...

  2. I'd never hear of Quidditch Through The Ages. With facts like that it looks quite entertaining.

    1. Probably best appreciated if you have also read the first four books in the HP series. But it is a very thin book (55 pages) so I suppose it could be enjoyed even if you've just seen the films.

  3. I had never heard about Comic Relief. Now that sounds like a very worthy organisation!

    1. Rowling has also written another small book from which the proceeds also go to Comic Relief: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

  4. PS when I think about it, Quidditch and cricket are the only two sport-y type games (as opposed to board games) that I can say I really know the rules for. Oh dear. What does that say about me in this country that is rugby-mad?

    1. I'm not even sure I remember the rules for table tennis any more. (We used to have a table in the cellar. Back in my teens at my parents' house.)

  5. You are down even after you went through so much for so long to get the new connections? Oh NO!

  6. I wonder if it's just me who found SOME of the Quidditch-scenes in the HP books a bit lengthy... very well done, as just about everything in the books, but maybe I am just not such a sporty reader myself. I much rather DO sports than watch others doing it or reading about it.

    1. No Meike, you're not the only one... I'd rather read about quidditch than try to fly a broomstick, though! (LOL)

  7. I think I would have loved playing Quidditch for a team....can you tell I'm a huge Harry Potter fan?

    1. What position would you have played, Virigina?

  8. Have you ever read P.G. Wodehouse's Golf Stories, they're wonderful.

    1. I think I have read them way back in the past but can't say I remember them much. The Jeeves and Wooster stories are probably my favourites.


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