
Thursday 4 April 2013



“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.”
~ Steve Jobs ~

Whoever may deserve the most credit… After the initial hiccups, my new broadband is finally up and running. I’ve also managed to install the new wireless router; and the computer, the mobile phone and the Kindle all seem to be connecting as they should now. Phew… :) 


  1. Well done you to have everything sorted now :)

  2. YEAH!!!!! I am so very happy for you.

  3. YES!!! Finally!!! Now let the fun begin.

  4. I really rather envious. However I shall play the Glad Game and be thankful for the fact that I live in the countryside even if I'd get far superior broadband in the town.

  5. I'm glad you got that job sorted. How fast is it?

    1. I bet Adrian us exprcting an answer in megawotsits or minihertzes or whatever. I haven't a clue how fast mine is. I just have a scale of fast, hiccuppy and slow!

    2. Scriptor, "fast" is usually good enough for me :) What I'm paying for now is "50/50" - which is not supposed to mean working 50% of the time (that remains to be seen!), but 50 Mbit/s download, and 50 Mbit/s upload. This compared to 2,5 Mbt/s which is what I had on my old cable.

      There were other options, at various prices... 10/10, 100/10, or 100/100... I decided to try out the medium alternative for now. Testing the speed with my computer connected by cable yesterday, I got 48 Mbit/s. After installing the router and cellphone and Kindle I got 25 Mbit/s wireless when testing the computer.

      Haven't yet tried to download or upload anything of significant size; I expect that's where it will be most noticeable.

  6. Hooray. What a lot of lights it has - you won't need Christmas decorations this year.

    1. Yes. Since Christmas is a long way off yet, though, I decided to give it a longer cable and hide it behind a curtain (as I also used to with my old one).

  7. Hooray indeed!
    Not long ago, I tried to install a new router, and it worked easily at first - until I found out that only my computer connected to it easily, my phone wouldn't. I reinstalled the old router and did everything EXACTLY as it was before - but when RJ was here for the weekend, his laptop would not connect the same way as before. We gave up in the end and he connected using my W-LAN. Don't know yet when/if we'll make another attempt (with the new router, this time).

    1. Meike, I was warned that problems of that kind could arise when changing to stronger security setting on the new router, but luckily it does not seem to have caused any trouble. I suppose if your router offers more than one such option you could try experimenting with that.

    2. Good idea, thanks for the hint!

  8. congratulations on your new internet 'baby' and good luck... it is no fun changing over or adding old or new techie stuff... HOORAY

  9. Congratulations and welcome to the BB world. May the transition continue to go well!

    1. Thanks Katherine. I've been on broadband for years already but had to change to a new cable, which was installed back in January, but the actual switch has been delayed until now. I've no major complaints since they kept the old broadband up and running in the meantime. It's mostly the information part that's been a bit wobbly...

  10. Nothing as nice as being "connected"...Congratulations.

  11. isn't that just a great feeling of accomplishment when you do it yourself? congrats!


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