
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Signs of Spring


I’ve been having such a busy beginning of the week I’ve hardly even had time to stope and take photos.

Spring is finally here. Yesterday I did some spring cleaning on my balcony, and when taking a little peek behind the cover I put up to protect my clematis against the sharp contrasts of frost and sun last month, I was thrilled to see this tiny sign of life:


I also have some hope about my strawberries:


My balcony is really just about as much garden as I can handle; but I also got a phone call a couple of days ago reminding me of the Big One, out at the House. A neighbour wants to take down some trees. As we have quite a few big trees on the border of our property, it was hard to quite picture over the phone which ones he meant. So I ended up going out there today (actually he came and picked me up and then drove me back into town again afterwards).

If things go according to plan I might hardly recognize that corner of the garden next time I go out there… But it’s likely to be to our advantage as well to get this done before we put the house on the market. Believe it or not, I was so busy taking in the whole idea, that in spite of bringing my camera in order to take some “before” pictures, I completely forgot all about that. (That should tell you something, even if I’m not sure what.)


  1. It's wonderful that your efforts at protecting your plants has paid off.
    Looking forward to your clematis flowers.
    Maybe your neighbour can snap some "before" photos for you before he starts the project.

  2. I hope it all goes well, and looks a lot better when it is done.

  3. Glad to see signs of life on the balcony.

    The way the wind is here at the moment I fear one of our trees may be down before the night is out. I hate the wind. (GB says one shouldn't hate anything so I very, very, very, very dislike the wind, as Jenny would have said! OK, GB?)

    1. Windy here too. And I feel the same about that as you. On top of all it (the wind) stole a plastic cover from my balcony the other day. One minute it was there - in my opinion well fastened - and the next nowhere to be seen. I walked around the neighbourhood searching for it... But it was gone!

    2. OK CJ! After losing my conservatory in the 2005 hurricane I, too, don't like the wind a very lot!

  4. Lovely to see that the spring has arrived :-) Over here in Ireland it has been very windy lately, and I do not really like it. But it has become warmer which is great, so no winter jackets or boots anymore. Enjoy your day!

  5. The cover worked well to protect your clematis, then!
    Your mention of spring-cleaning your balcony has reminded me of how badly my windows need cleaning... As much as I usually don't mind (actually enjoy) doing housework, somehow my windows are always left until I can hardly see through them anymore.

    1. The windows I've not done yet, either... ;-)

  6. You didn't take photos?! 'Nuff said.

  7. love those signs of spring, and oh no on forgetting the before pics... wish someone would offer to take down a couple of our trees.


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