
Friday 17 May 2013

(Skywatch) Treewatch Friday


Last Friday when I was out at The House (see previous post), the birch trees had just started to try on a very subtle shade of spring green. Since then, Nature has been making fast progress towards summer, which is probably what more or less “knocked me out” this week (pollen allergy). I’ve been (extra) tired, with headaches and eye irritations; which is why I have not been very active in Blogland either, in spite of spending more time indoors than I would have wished.

Below is a photo from this morning to show you what a difference the past week has brought in the trees. We’ve gone from early spring to summer greens all in one swoosh! As the birch pollen count is still on High, I think I’d better stay in town this weekend – even if we have trees here, too.


This view is from the park in the middle of the housing estate where I live.  Today!

Skywatch Friday 6/45


  1. It does indeed amaze me every year how, with just a few days of milder weather, everything out there truly explodes - it's all been in a waiting position, just ready for spring to give the "Go!" signal. You're right, it looks a proper summery green already!

    1. +26°C in the shadow this afternoon, Meike!

    2. Gods! Are you sure your thermometer worked properly? :-D

    3. Yes Meike :) The media report similar figures. Today has been the same but it probably won't last much longer before we get rain and cooler temperatures again.

  2. Very beautiful photos for SWF!Thank you for it and have a nice weekend!

  3. The trees are looking green again...YEAH!
    Please take care with the pollen. I actually place a small amount of Vaseline in each nostril, which grabs any pollen particles before they are inhaled into my system.
    If I'm outside cutting grass I usually wear a mask as well.

    1. I use quite a collection of allergy meds all summer, Virginia. Fortunately at least I don't have to cut any grass. An advantage of living as I do in town is that the outdoors staff mow the lawns once a week (and always weekday daytime) and that's it. (Out at the House we also hire a guy to do the lawn-mowing for us, as long as we still have the place.)

  4. Wow! I love that first shot!!!and what a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.Have a great weekend!


  5. That first shot is a very impressive image. A perfect exposure and beautiful with it.

    1. PS. You were up early.

    2. Today I was up early and off to the supermarket at 8.30 because I knew it was going to be a hot day. If you're thinking of the photo from last week, however, that was taken at 12.44 camera-time (I've not bothered to set the camera to summer time; my watch would have shown 13.44). Tall trees obviously still make long shadows even at noon (if the shadows was what you were thinking of?)

  6. The birchwood is beyond special as it is so similar to the ones in Latvia in my childhood and brings back a myriad of memories.

    1. That birchwood is part of a nature/wildlife preservation area, Arija.

  7. you have such a lovely view and to be right in town and walking distance to all you need plus it is beautiful while walking. i do wish i could bet beamed over to visit you and your town. that first photo of the trees is magnificent,the photo and the trees

    1. If you figure out how to beam over you'd be welcome :)

    2. The leaves on the trees make such a difference, I was quite astonished this morning when I got out how much more summery it had grown just in a day.

  8. You are blessed with so much beauty in your country. I have never been there and really enjoy what you share.

  9. I have always loved birch trees! I think it was your grandfather who painted a picture of them? And I still have it saved in my picture file. I think people who don't have allergies don't really know how we suffer. Do you take any allergy meds? They can really help, I take three. What a difference the trees are! You are doing the right thing staying in town for awhile, I had been wondering why you have not been posting more often.

  10. Allergies are not fun that's for sure.
    A few weeks ago I was going through the same thing.
    Love the Birches and their beginnings of Spring.

  11. Lovely to see that white birch bark rising to meet that gorgeous sky!
    Hope your allergies are getting better.

  12. The birch trees are lovely and straight as they reach for the skies. Once they begin to leaf out, they progress quickly!

  13. I figured you must be pretty far north to have trees in such a similar state of undress as ours. :-) Most of the trees and shrubs here have also started leafing out and blooming in the last week. It's amazing, once they get started, how quickly it happens, isn't it?

    That's a shame about your allergies making you feel so bad - the pollen is definitely a down-side to this otherwise beautiful time of year.

  14. Wow! What a nice place to live. Love your shots and terrific perspective you're giving us. Thanks for visiting my sky.

  15. i really do love that birch forest photo which, as Adrian said, is exposed to perfection.


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