
Thursday 9 May 2013

♫ S(pr)inging in the Rain ♫


As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower
and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
12 You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:10-12

Today is Ascension Day in the Christian Churches, and still a public holiday in the Swedish calendar.

I went for a walk in the spring rain, and passing popping into the supermarket on my way back (not to pretend to be holier than I am!) I could not help reflecting that this has become our main “temple” nowadays for a rainy day off… The car park was so full that people were queuing for a parking space – and for once, in spite of the rain, I was actually glad to be on foot (I only needed a few things and with self-scanning no queuing involved).


Traditionally Ascension Day here was/is a day for early morning outdoor services and picnics… Not really picnic weather today, though! But actually quite nice for a walk, in spite of the rain. Because today what we had was proper spring rain… no wind, and not too cold… and Nature is obviously just loving it!!!






  1. Beautiful shots.
    You frightened me with your knowledge of the bible. I thought you had turned into 'One of Them.'
    You have the honour of the first comment on the new machine.
    Your images look very cheerful and the first one is just great.

    1. Not sure who They are, Adrian. I might be one of them, or I might not, depending on the definition ;) I don't consider myself all that scary... but I have studied a fair bit of theology in my day, even if I don't make it my mission to quote the Bible in every blog post ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures, the last one is stunning with all the drops and the big one in the middle.

    1. Thanks Eva. It's a joy to see some colour in nature again after the long winter!

  3. Lovely quote from Isaiah....thanks for sharing your spring thoughts and photos.

    1. The image of the trees clapping their hands is a favourite of mine, Virginia - and yesterday I could almost hear it! :)

  4. Your header and background are so beautiful and springlike! And these pink flowers, just gorgeous, what are they? I love all these rainy shots, and especially the little leaf cup! Your country must celebrate it much more than ours, no one ever says a word about it.

    1. Not a public holiday in the US then, I presume? I have my doubts whether most people here really have a clue what's it about nowadays. They'll want to keep it because it falls on a Thursday though, which also usually means a lot of people can manage to get a long weekend, if they're also allowed to take Friday off!

  5. Sometimes it can do the heart good to see how much plants love and need the rain. What a delightful picture of a crystal like drop in your last photo!

    1. It's been such a strange pre-spring here this year, Jenny... sunny and dry but so cold. Neither plants nor humans have known what to do with it! As my brother put it the other day, it's like nature has been in a state of freeze-drying...

  6. And your new header is beautiful.

    1. Thank you Jenny. I try to change it a few times a year according to season.

  7. all the photos are wonderful and beautiful, the first and last ones are AWESOME! truly AWESOME! it is the same thing here on Sundays the parking lots are jammed more than any other day.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm quite pleased with them myself, especially the first one. I like it when I can manage to get "background people" in a street picture. With a flower you may have a second chance to get it right but with moving targets you have to depend on luck!

  8. Monica, I know just what you mean about it being a nice day for a walk in spite of the rain! Your post reminded me of something I posted two years ago on my blog:

    Your pictures are so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Meike. I followed your link, and also a link within that, as to why you don't have a car :) I have a license but never had a car of my own. Used to borrow or rent one sometimes in the past, but now I haven't driven at all since the 90's (because of my neck problems), so if I was to take it up again I think I'd better get some practice in a quiet spot first ;) As I still would not feel up for driving long distances, it's not very likely I will ever take it up again.

  9. I love thi singing in the rain song. Used to dress my oldest daughter in raincoat and let her jump the puddles while I sang this song.


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