
Sunday 5 May 2013

Time to Step Outside


As I wrote in a comment on someone else’s blog today, I suspect quite a few of us bloggers in the northern hemisphere go through a period of slight confusion this time of year, as Nature is beginning to call for renewed attention after a long winter. On the one hand there is MORE to blog about and on the other hand LESS time to do the actual blogging…


Spring is making some progress here at last, even if still at unusually slow pace, considering that we’ve actually had quite a lot of sunshine. But the winds are still chilly. There’s still not a whole lot of greenery around yet except for the bravest of spring flowers, and those that are now being planted around town from the greenhouses. The trees are still holding back…


For my own part at least, I’ve been spending less time on the computer the last week or so, while instead dealing more with other “spring things”… Like making my balcony “habitable” again for the summer season (during winter I keep the floor mats and furniture in storage in the basement).

My old sun lounger (bottom middle and right) needed a new cushion cover. I managed to make one from a duvet cover I’d not been using much; and I got a couple of matching pillow-cases out of it too.

I only take the cushions for the chair(s) out on sunny days when I’m actually sitting there, and always take them in at night. There is another balconcy above mine providing a roof, but the rain nearly always comes with wind, and the sides are open. Besides carrying the rain, the wind loves playing havoc with anything on my balcony not secured with stong tape or heavy weights or whatever solutions can be invented…

The very first thing that happed this season was that I had washed a plastic cloth I’d used as protection cover on a wooden bench which I keep on the balcony all year round (I move the bench close to the wall beneath the window in winter and keep some flower boxes under it). Anyway after washing the cloth I wrapped it around the balcony rail to dry, and as it was a windy day, I took care to fasten it properly (or so I thought) with some clothes-pegs on both sides. It flapped a bit but did not look as if it could go anywhere. Next time I looked out the window, however, only 10-15 min or so later… There was no sign of it! I went downstairs and went all around the house twice to look for it. I had expected to find it in some bush, but no. I spied upwards to see if it had landed on some other balcony, but not that I could see. And it wasn’t to be seen on the football field either. That was a couple of weeks ago. Wherever you live in the world… If you happen to see a greenish plastic cloth come flapping by your house in the next storm – it could be mine… :D

(I gave up on ever finding it, and put out a blue one instead. Fastened with several clothes pegs etc of course, but remains to be seen how long it stays…)


  1. i just went out in the yard and checked for flying carpets from Sweden and nary a one in sight... can't stop laughing. your balcony looks beautiful and ready for you to enjoy your kindle on it. i really like the flower box photo, the perspective of it draws me into the blue skies and trees.

  2. We are having the same problem here. It will be 70 degrees, but with a really cold wind, and feel like 50!! I love your chair cushion and tablecloth! You make it look so lovely and inviting despite the nasty weather.

  3. P.s. Maybe it lit up in a tree!!!!

  4. Love the tale of the flying tablecloth. No doubt a child nearby has now made a cubby house with a green roof!
    I also have windy conditions on my balcony at this time of year. I admit to pegging things to the chairs. Pot plants are mulched with pebbles to keep the soil in. I use some bricks to hold the clothes airer upright, instead of using an electric clothes dryer. Sometimes it is too windy to have the windows open. At ground level it is much calmer, but I had not expected that the breezes would become so much stronger as you go higher in a building.

  5. Your balcony looks very inviting with the sun on the lounge chair and the new cushion cover you made for it. Hooray for spring and sunshine!
    The mystery of the flying tablecloth... now doesn't that just sound like the title to some good, old-fashioned children's book?

  6. I'm so happy for you that you're getting to enjoy the outdoors again.
    It's always good when we can re-purpose items that are not being used.....lovely cushions and pillows for your sun-lounger.
    You can be sure that I'll keep an eye out for your missing green plastic cloth, it may blown by here later this year in a storm.

  7. Ah, surely the most encouraging sign of all, when you start getting the balcony ready for sitting out on! What simply lovely crocuses in your top picture - here they are finished by March although we hardly saw any this year becuase it was so cold.

  8. I've been catching up on your posts and this evening at 6pm (23 May) it was -5.5 deg with wind chill factor here on Lewis! I think Siberia may be marginally warmer.


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