
Thursday 30 May 2013

We Have Summer


Today we had a rather perfect early summer’s day here. I was able to spend most of the afternoon and early evening sitting (and reading) on my balcony. Often it’s either too cold or too windy or too hot (in the summer) to actually do that, but today it was “just right”. (In Swedish we have a word for it: lagom. It can be used about anything that is neither too this nor too that but somewhere in between and satisfying.)

Update on the tooth situation:
Yesterday morning I called my dentist’s office first thing. I could not get a proper appointment with the dentist until the next day (i.e. today) but a nurse said she could have a look at it and see what she could do. I brought the crown that had come off and it turned out she was able to glue it temporarily back on so I got protection from further damage to my tongue. As I was not in pain otherwise I ended up having quite a tolerable day yesterday too, even if (to be on the safe side) abstaining from food that needed serious chewing. Today at noon the dentist ripped the thing out again – but ended up putting it back in again, only (hopefully) a bit more securely. So once again I came out of the whole (mis)adventure quicker and with less pain and at less cost than anticipated.

Before I left the dentist’s office I asked when they close for their summer holiday… Not until July. So I have another 4½ weeks or so in which I can continue to break teeth. In July (i.e. while my dentist is unavailable) I’m contemplating to switch to a strict diet of foods that don’t need chewing…



  1. Det ser ju härligt ut, har vart somrigt här i Dublin idag också, de jordgubbarna ser goda ut :)

    1. Eva, jordgubbsfotot är från ett annat år. Det finns jorgubbar till salu nu men inte svenska (eller växthusodlade o jättedyra)

    2. The strawberry photo is from another year. There are strawberries for sale now but imported or greenhouse cultivated and very expensive. The main Swedish strawberry season is from midsummer and a few weeks on.

  2. Oh my goodness!! Did he say WHY they are all breaking? Maybe all the fillings are getting old...I hope you don't have to change your diet too much.

  3. Actually, softer foods can be delicious and healthy. Those strawberries look wonderful. I had to get use to my new partials by eating softer food. Now I can chew anything...Yeah. Hope your adventures with the dentist are all successful.

  4. you have early and we have early winter.

    1. Yes. Do you get snow in NZ, I know there is snow high up on mountain tops, but I mean even in the lowland?

  5. Ginny, Wanda... perhaps I'd better point out that the two last sentences in the post are my own 'biting' reflections, not the dentist's... Not to be taken too seriously (I hope)

  6. So happy to hear that your tooth is all better, and that you're okay.
    Enjoy summer!!

  7. the strawberries look like they will be lagom.... lagom weather is what i like the best.. thanks for the new word.... and you toes look very happy to me...

  8. Glad it turned out to be less painful and less expensive than expected!
    Lucky you, a lagom early summer day is what we are dreaming of here - instead, it continues being cold and rainy. I have the heating on and am sitting here in my warmest pair of jeans and a sweater I used to wear already all winter and definitely do NOT wish to see again for at least 6 months.

    1. It's been a strange spring this year. First much colder and then suddenly much warmer than average. Up in the very North they're having a proper heat wave and most unusual, they said on TV tonight that it's not been this warm in May since some time in the late 1800's when they first started keeping records.

  9. Well whilst my son 100 miles South on the West Coast of Scotland in the Inner Hebrides on holiday said yesterday that he had been in shorts all week I've been in the garden all week in heavy work trousers and a warm fleece top and even then I've not been warm because of the very strong North-East winds. I'm beginning to think that summer will not happen this year.


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