
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Strawberry Tuesday


My salad and strawberry diet (mentioned in the previous post) seems to be going rather well.

Superstitiously I don’t want to say too much too soon, but at least at the moment I am back into some clothes which I came close to giving away a few months ago because they were getting too tight to be comfortable.

Calories are just little tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night.

(And before someone gets worried: No I’m not really just eating green salad and strawberries. Only trying to eat more ‘green stuff’ and less fat, sugar and carbs, and treating myself to plenty of strawberries au naturel to make up for it!)


  1. well the berries make for a beautiful photo and so does the bowl they are in... that is happy news about the clothes and i have those little guys in my closet. must get some bug spray.

  2. Sounds good to me Monica. I eat a lot of salad although I think I'd vary the strawberries with raspberries and other fruit..

    1. I eat other fruit as well, Graham. The thing is, it's strawberry season - short and sweet and very, very special in Sweden. It is not yet raspberry season or blueberry season. I think maybe I shall have to write a special post on this...

  3. Well, that clears THAT up, I was quite confused for awhile! We used to have bowls just like that when I was growing up! Is it really have good willpower!

    1. The pattern on the bowl is Grön Anna, made by Rörstrand, Sweden

  4. Strawberries are an excellent choice if you want something sweet and juicy that is low on calories and high on vitamins. Like you, I think they usually don't need any sugar added, they are perfect the way they are!
    Yesterday, at my Mum's for lunch, she gave me strawberry-mascarpone-cream for dessert. Wonderfully refreshing on a day like that (33 Celsius).

    1. Yes, there's nothing like fresh, locally grown strawberries this time of year! (Imported ones that have travelled a long way to get here are never QUITE the same.) Had to look up mascarpone, don't think I ever heard of it before. Being lactose intolerant (since ~20 years), hard cheese is the only milk product I normally eat now (hard cheese being nautrally low in lactose because of the ageing process). For milk etc I've got used to using soy products instead even if nowadays there are also lactose-free milk products to be found. But now I prefer the soyamilk!

  5. I envy you being able to eat all those strawberries....I'm allergic.
    Glad you're getting more greens into your diet, and it's paying off for you.
    Those tiny creatures in your closet must be quite angry with you....what nerve.

    1. I'm SO glad strawberries is not on the list of things I'm allergic to! :-)

  6. Congratulations for fitting back into your older clothes! That must feel super!


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