
Monday 9 September 2013

Harvest Festival

2013-09-07 Harvest Festival, skördefest

On Saturday, the town celebrated its annual Harvest Festival. Including free apple pie served in the theatre lobby (above).

Downstairs there were pomologists at work, helping people to determine what kind of apples it is they have growing in their gardens.


Outdoors there were all sorts of things going on.



CIMG6679  CIMG6682


I took refuge inside the church for a while, listening to organ music.

Mosiac Monday

This could also have been for…
FMTSO – Taste Of  {Your Town}
… except the photos weren’t taken until Saturday, and I was not able to post them until today (too late).


  1. Thanks to you, I now know what a pomologist is.
    Looks like a nice day out for the Harvest Festival, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

  2. I love that exclamation point!!!! really cool and wow that is a ton of different apples... the pie looks delish, and the music sounds like a great idea, and a place to sit

  3. You live in a very vibrant society. Never a month seems to pass without a festival of some sort.

  4. I love these types of festivals where everyone comes together to celebrate. Free apple pie sounds great.

  5. How are you feeling? Wow, more of your cool sculptures! I love that huge exclamation mark, is it new? And is that a wood Mary and Jesus? We have something like this this too, it is called "Apple Days".

  6. pomologist - that is a new word for me. I could use one to tell me what kind are growing in our backyard! Sorry that nasty deadline came too soon.

  7. That looks like a great day - I would have loved to have a stroll around, look at all that was going on, taste the apple pie and watch the pomologist at work, listen to the music and enjoy the sunshine!

  8. I love festivals...Those apples sure make me think Apple Pie. You got some great pictures.

  9. A pomologist? Should have worked that out from the Latin but I used French instead: the association of the apples and the word. Silly me. I loved the simplicity of the statue of the Virgin and Child.


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