
Monday 28 October 2013

Blue Monday


The past week has been mostly grey and rainy. I’ve been out, but not taking any new photos. The one above is from 19th October, which already feels like a long time ago. Since then most of the trees have dropped their leaves; and if some still have a few left, they’re likely to be gone by tomorrow morning - as we have a Big Storm coming in tonight. It’s the same storm that caused chaos over southern Britain earlier today – but here in Sweden it’s been given a new name: Simone.

Simone has now reached the southern parts of our country and is progressing in direction north-east. Precautions were taken early: all trains in the south-west were cancelled from around 4 PM, i.e. before the storm actually set in; ferries and buses etc likewise cancelled, bridges closed, and people generally recommended to stay in.

Around 7.30 PM more than 50.000 households in the south-west are without electricity so far. Along the coast they’re having hurricane force gusts of wind of now. Where I live (about 60-70 km inland from Gothenburg) we are still waiting, not quite knowing what to expect.

At least it’s no snow storm! We’re still having mild temperatures (around +10°C).

Smiling Sally


  1. I wondered about you and the storm, i was just watching coverage on what it did in UK and Eva in Ireland got some of it to.. high winds and rain she said. i pray you will stay safe...

  2. Hi Dawn,

    Simone sounds like a fearsome storm. Take care.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Please add the link for Blue Monday so that others can find us.

    Please consider returning and leaving a comment for me.

    Happy Blue Monday!

    1. The link is already there in the original post, Sally (click on the badge!)

  3. The sun shining on these blue flowers is spectacular!!!! I hope you will stay safe and warm during the storm. AND will also have T.V. and computer! Please let us know...

  4. I am praying for your safety that Simone won't cause too much damage in your area.
    Hunker down and keep us posted if you can.

    1. Thanks Virginia. Still windy with rainshowers today, but the worst of the storm passed by here last night without causing too much damage I think.

  5. Sounds terrible. Praying for your safety. Raining today in Southern CA. But sun breaking through. I've never lived anywhere but California.

    1. Thanks Wanda. The coastal areas and more southern parts of the country were hit worse than we were here.

  6. Hopefully, the storm left you unharmed, Monica. All those precautions are very reasonable. We had the storm raging over Germany the night before, with at least 4 people dead because of storm-related accidents, such as trees falling on cars. The north of Germany took the most of it; down here, we had strong winds, but I wouldn't call it a storm. It is still quite mild for the season and very windy.

  7. The worst of the winds passed by here around 10 pm last night. The storm caused a lot of damage in many places in southern Sweden but I've heard no deaths reported so far. No doubt a good thing that they stopped trains etc beforehand instead of waiting until something did happen.

  8. Stay safe and enjoy your time indoors if you have to be there! Storms come on so quickly we just never know. I will pray for your safety and for those all around you.

  9. What a gorgeous shot! Glad to hear you didn't suffer any major damage, although of course, it's been rough in England and southern Sweden.

  10. Beautiful cheery photo with the bright blue flowers - yes that storm has been horrible in the UK (It made the news here in Australia) so sorry it then headed your way.
    Wren x


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