
Tuesday 12 November 2013



In case anyone is wondering…

It’s wet. It’s windy. The outdoors temperature is +8°C (46°F). There are almost no leaves left on the trees. (Even those few in the photo above may have fallen to the ground since yesterday.)

I’m shutting the rain out and myself in; deeply engrossed in a book on my Kindle. I’ll tell you which one when I’ve finished it, but I’ve still got an intriguing 31% left to read!


  1. Sounds like the perfect way of spending a wet and windy November day, Monica!

    First frosty day here, with temps over night just below zero, so that everything was "sugar-coated" this morning. And now the sun is out and it is gorgeous, but I am tied to the house, it is a normal working day for me.

  2. I stayed in yesterday it was horrid.
    We still have plenty of leaves though.
    Today is beautiful, just like summer.
    It will soon be ice sculpture time.

  3. we have been car shopping, my beloved vue needs a transmission at cost of 5000 dollars. YIKEs and i am headed to my Kindle as soon as i click publish.. i just love that it tells me what percent is left

  4. I remember those wet, windy, and cold November days. No rain here, but it was cloudy this morning, which is so great for us, tired as we are of the eternal sunshine we've had this summer.

  5. It's so windy here too. Not that cold, but still. Winds from the sea are moving inland.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. I think Scotland is having a bad time too. Most of NZ seems to be warm and sunny but Hawkes Bay is bucking the trend and it's relatively cold and cloudy here. Yuk.

  7. The few leaves left on the tree made it an interesting pic! I agree, no weather to be out. Now you told me about the book, I'm curious., but I still have some others left to finish.Actually I got more interested about Italy when reading about the young Michael Angelo.

  8. We have a sunny morning here - hope it's found its way to you as well. We were warned it would be cold overnight but it is still unseasonably warm. Out in shirt sleeves for a few minutes this morning and didn't even think about it until now.

  9. Oh dear winter is definitely in the least you're all warm and toasty inside with a good book....enjoy.

  10. Thanks to you all for your comments! The sun came out for a bit today - so I did too. Certainly not in my shirt sleeves, though (Scriptor!)... However, I don't actually "mind" the November weather as much as I (perhaps?) used to, back in my working days, when I had to get up in the dark, and it was dark when I got home as well. Nowadays I'm more free to choose when to go out and when to stay in. It's just not a very inspiring month for photography! ;)

  11. Winter - a time for catching up on yourself and doing 'inside' things... believe it or not I miss it with some part of me (- probably the Russian or the English genes...) because here in Tauranga the weather is rarely bad enough to keep us indoors. Unless you count a very hot summer when it's just too hot in the middle of the day!
    But I know you can have too much of indoorsness and darkness. I shall try and send you a series of blog-post antidotes this summer.

  12. That's a lovely tree shot!


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