
Friday 8 November 2013

Weekend Reflections: More City Lights


Another photo from Tuesday night this week.
(Compare my previous post: City Lights.)
For Weekend Reflections.


  1. Wonderful watery reflections!! I love the night shot and the lights! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. Very nice shot, well done! Love the shimmery reflections.

  3. The effect on you picture is very intriguing... Nice choice for the week !

  4. City lights make the streets at night a little friendlier! And it's hilly where I live, so I have beautiful, Christmas-like views at night. On my Facebook page, a Monika put in a friend request - is that you?
    Have an enjoyable weekend!

    1. Yes Jeannette, that's me. I noticed recently that you had moved your blog, but I didn't know where to; and around the same time I received an email request (perhaps automatic?) to follow you on another network (but have no wish to join there just now). Then I saw you commenting on John's FB so I sent FB request instead. I should have written a comment to confirm my identity properly but got distracted - sorry... / Monica

  5. your night shots are truly beautiful. keep it up, i like them

  6. I love reflections, maybe more so since I have no water around here. This one is very special, I love the buildings, the light, and the reflections.

  7. again, what a "lucky duck" you are to have water where you live! double the fun with night's lights!

  8. I am enjoying the pictures from Tuesday.

  9. The water makes all the difference!

    Have I been mis-spelling your name all the time? Is it Monica or Monika?

    1. It's Monica with a 'c', Meike (and it is on Facebook too!) Both spellings are equally common in Sweden (and whichever way it's spelled, in Swedish it is pronounced like in German with a long 'o'). I don't always bother to correct people if they happen to spell it with a 'k' though - depends on the context. I do feel more like myself when spellled with a 'c' though, I have to admit ;) (Now I'm getting unsure which spelling you've been using, but probably the right one, as I'd be more likely to remember if you were in the habit of getting it wrong!)

    2. I've always used the spelling with the "c", but was confused when someone wrote "Monika" in their comment to this post. Glad to know I got it right all along :-)
      (I hate it when people write "Mike" when they mean me - it's not just plain wrong, it also means a sex change!)

  10. It must take special settings to get such a beautiful shot at night.

  11. Thanks all for your comments. And yes, I agree we're lucky to have a river running through town, and I'm extra lucky as I live rather close to it. I can't see it from home, but cross some bridge over it whichever way I choose to go into town.

  12. What a great nighttime reflection photo.

  13. I can't think what it would be like not to live near water. In my case I've rarely been far from the sea or a major river.

    1. In all the places I've lived (three towns and one smaller village) there has at least been a river. Actually when moving as an adult that's always been something I've taken into consideration.


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