
Saturday 21 December 2013

No White Christmas


My little Christmas tree is up (since yesterday). It’s celebrating its 27th Christmas. Talk about evergreen! Smile

The weather is horrible and I’m pretty sure it’s no one’s idea of what Christmas ‘should’ be like. Storm and rain, rain and storm… The rain is of the kind that sticks like glue to the windows, even though not mixed with snow. I’ve been staying in all day today, and most likely will be tomorrow as well. There are storm warnings issued again for tomorrow morning, class 1 around here and class 2 (worse) along the coast.

No worries for myself, as I don’t need to go anywhere. There were a couple of more items on my shopping list that I had intended to get… but nothing really essential.



  1. A lovely tree - looks as fresh as the day it was bought! Hunker down and stay warm. I love the wee wooden train!

    1. The tree does indeed look as fresh as the day it was bought, Katherine. After all the years of folding its branches in and out (I do undress it after Christmas and pack all the things separately for storage) they are still all there (and has not shed very many 'needles' either). What impresses me most is that the chain of lights is still working too even if I've had to exchange a few little bulbs every now and then. - The train I bought for my dad (who was a steam engine enthusiast) as 'fun' Christmas present in the past. I'm not sure what it's made of but it does have a neatly old-fashioned and hand painted look to it. So when I found it at the House I decided to keep it.

  2. Enjoy your cozy solitude. What a good time to review insurance policies, do the odd mending job, reorganise the bookshelf, make lists and generally please yourself. We are also expecting to be indoors.

    1. Whoa, Louise. No more lists before Christmas, please! :)

  3. What a beautiful photo of a wonderful Xmas tree ~ Merry Christmas and glad you are safe inside and cozy ~ carol, xxx

  4. Wow, that tree has had a long life. My little tree only last 12 years. No tree this year. Maybe next.

    Sorry your weather is so miserable. We had a nice sunny day today....cold, but sunny.

    1. Seems to have stopped raining as I write this, but I can still hear the wind howling.

  5. It seems that the weather is pretty bad everywhere 'up North'. I think I'll stay here in NZ for Christmas this year.

  6. Stay safe, it is very warm and wet here as well.

    1. You'll have a tough job keeping your dogs snowy white for Christmas, Adrian! :)

  7. No white Christmas here, either, by the looks of it. But we don't have storm warnings, at least none that I am aware of. It is not even 9.00 in the morning yet, not a sunny day, but we already have 7 Celsius out there. Opening the windows, I hear the birds almost starting on their spring twitter.
    Not that I mind - I much prefer this kind of weather to snow and ice - but I fear we'll have to "pay" later on and get another very cold, nasty, long winter in the spring.

    1. Too stormy here still to hear much bird twitter, Meike. (Possibly some screeching from those that enjoy riding the gales!)

  8. Hello and Merry Christmas! No snow here, either.

  9. Oh, my - no white Christmas in Sweden! This does not sound possible .... I had imagined you always had it. Which probably just shows how ignorant I am actually :) I hope you have a lovely christmas nonetheless, and I have enjoyed the photo on your other blog too. Thanks for nice postings throughout the year.

  10. Hello from Canada!
    I wish I could share some of our snow with you, Dawn! Not a day to go out here, either! We're in the midst of a winter storm. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, green or otherwise.
    All the best,
    Karen : )

  11. In this particular corner of Sweden I think the chances of a white Christmas are said to be only around 25%, Jenny. Up in the very north of the country nearly 100%, but here in the south-west it varies a lot. Sometimes we get stuck in a mild and mostly rainy winter (and just now stormy, too!), and sometimes in a very cold one. The months most likely to be snowy here are January and February.

  12. Your tree is still beautiful after all these years, and I love the candles. I love the guitar that is hanging up. You play? It is for your brother to play?

    1. I learned a little (very little) in my early 20s, just a few basic chords. I never quite had 'the ear' for it though, to pick up a tune and just play (or sing). I like it on my wall, though :)

  13. No white Christmas for me either.....but I don't mind.

    1. No snow is all right. No rain would be even better...

  14. No snow here either! Such a shame, but then Christmas is a feeling in the heart and not affected by the weather? Wishing you a lovely year ahead.


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