
Monday 30 December 2013

Zzz… And Happy New Year!


Better have one of these ‘zzz’ days today, as tomorrow night I have to stay awake! As has become a long-standing tradition, I will be celebrating New Year’s Eve at home, but with four friends joining me. I think this will be the 14th New Year in a row with two of them (and there were a few times before that too – but not the millennium, which I spent elsewhere). The three of us used to be neighbours as well as friends. The sister of one of them has also been with us for most of these New Year get-togethers. And since a couple of years, also the other friend’s mum.

Our tradition is to eat a little, talk a little, and watch a film. I’ve been trying to recall what films we’ve already seen (together)… and pick out a few suggestions for tomorrow. It’s not all easy… Preferably it should be of the feel-good kind, not overly long, not too complicated (or violent etc) and not too recently seen by any of us.

A bit late in the day (year) to ask for suggestions, as by now I’m restricted to what I already have in my private collection. But I’ll ask anyway. Have you got a favourite film of the kind described, that’s good to watch in the company of friends – and that you would not mind watching again even if you’ve already seen it?


  1. If you and your friends like 60s music and outfits, you could all laugh 90 minutes away with the original "Hairspray" movie (the one that was done in the 1980s, not the remake).
    Something as cosy as "Mary Poppins" (with Julie Andrews) would also be nice; it is a bit long, but then so is New Year's Eve :-) Also, you could always press the pause button after the first half so that everyone could have a refill of drinks and plates.

    1. I don't think I've ever seen 'Hairspray' (any version). Mary Poppins with Julie Andrews I do remember from my childhood. I think it may have been one of the few films my parents took us to the cinema to see. I think we may also have had a record with some of the film music. What I do recall is that we (or my wee brother - born in the early 60s) also had some kind of Mary Poppins board game that included spinning a carousel. The vague impression lingering for me is that it wasn't one of the most exciting games ever invented, but then I was 6½ years older than he. (Still am, I suppose, But as for brainy kind of games, he outsmarted me long ago...)

  2. I haven't managed to stay up to midnight since the kids came! Happy New Year.

    1. No use trying to go to sleep until well after midnight here on New Year's Eve anyway! - too much noise going on outside (fireworks).

  3. i will be snoozing away at midnight and if i try to watch a movie after 8 pm i would sleep through it. i don't have a collection of movies, in fact i have no movies at all except on the TV... so i am no help.

    1. You don't necessarily have to own your own copy of a film to call it a favourite, do you? :)

  4. I hope you enjoy some good coffee and delicious cream cake too. It all sounds really nice.

    1. Coffee for three and tea for two - and cake, but no cream!

  5. I'm not sure what feel-good movies you have in your collection, but I hope that you find one that you all like.
    Have a lovely time with your friends tomorrow night as you ring in the new year.

    1. Thanks Virginia. We had an enjoyable evening.

  6. The sort of film I love for easy feel-good viewing are like My House in Umbria with Maggie Smith or Under the Tuscan Sun or Room With a View and the like. Enjoy your evening.

    1. Sounds like you think the perfect setting for a good film should be Italy, GB! I'll have to check up the first two titles, I'm not sure I've seen either of those. We did end up seeing one with Maggie Smith, though :) Hotel Marigold

  7. Happy New Year! I wish you all the best in 2014!


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