
Sunday 9 February 2014

Postcard from Sochi

Olympic Stadium

Those of you who know me well, also know that I’m not a big sports fan. Four weeks ago I would not even have been able to say where the Winter Olympics were going to be held. But three weeks ago, I received notification in the form of postcrossing postcard. So at least this time I knew before the games started!

Actually, I’ve just watched three hours of figure ice skating. That’s just about the only sports I enjoy watching. I suspect it has something to do with music and sparkly clothes being involved. Maybe the other sports should have a think about that!


  1. Nice postcard and I like watching the winter Olympics about 2 hours a day.

  2. Wonderful postcard. Love the artwork.

  3. really cool post card, I only know because bob tells me. i did watch some of the figure skating, for the same reasons you do and because i wish i was as limber and fluid as they are. the rest of it i don't care for... silly people sliding down hills at 100 mph... LOL.... i like the diving in the summer Olympics and that is it

  4. Monica, I watched the mens luge this afternoon. Taking the temperature and wind chill into consideration I was impressed.
    I like watching folk fall over but the snowboarders hardly ever do. Perfection rarely makes for a good laugh.

  5. The only thing I know about the Winter Olympics is that which makes the NZ news.

    1. Graham, in the Swedish equivalent to BBC we don't get more than news-flashes from the Olympics either, this time. But two of my advertising-financed cable channels are following it. Suits me just fine - I don't appreciate when sports events take over everything else on the public service channels. But I guess this time it's the sports-fanatics without access to cable TV or satellite dishes who are unhappy instead.

  6. Like you, I don't watch sports on TV. I have caught the occasional bit of figure skating, but the last time was years ago when my husband was still alive, and I watched it because he was watching :-)
    As for Sochi, there is too much politics involved for my liking. Putin's dictatorship certainly does not make it an easy decision for any politician or athlete whether to attend the games or not.

    1. Meike, I have to admit politics is no more "my game" than sports is. If I watch figure ice skating, it's because (unlike other sports) I can enjoy that more as an arts performance. I'm not really all that bothered who wins. I'd be absolutely useless as a judge or pretend-to-know-what-I'm-talking-about commentator, comparing the technicalities in various jumps etc.


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